
Early bird rates closed on July 6, 2018

*Member rate applies to a person or organisation who is a financial member of either ACAL or VALBEC at the time or registration.
°°Non-members will also receive a complimentary one-year membership of ACAL and one year membership of VALBEC (incl Fine Print and access to Numeracy resources).




Early bird discount ceased on July 6
Pre-conference ‘Adult Literacy Connect: Public Libraries and Adult Educators’
(Wed afternoon Sept 12)
$45 $55
Conference Chat and Chill (Thu afternoon Sept 13) $30 $30
Standard rate (after July 6)
Standard 2 days (Thu and Fri Sept 13 and 14) $580 $630
Standard day rate (Either Sept 13 or 14) $315 $340
Speaker (first and second speaker) day rate (Either Sept 13 or 14) $290 $290

Payment methods

  • Direct into the ACAL account – NAB BSB: 082-906 Acct No: 62-961-6304 Advise ACAL (info@acal.edu.au) of the payment quoting the participant’s surname in the bank reference to allow correct attribution.
  • With your credit card online via PayPal – Go to https://acal.edu.au/2018conference/payments-online/
  • Cheque – Make payable to ‘ACAL’ and post to Box 938, Springvale South VIC 3172
  • Purchase order – Send a purchase order to info@acal.edu.au but early bird payment must still be received by due date.

Conference sponsors, supporters and exhibitors

Adult. Community and Further Education


The Bookery

Parliament of Victoria
