September 2014
In this issue
President’s Report
Professional development
1. 2014 ACAL Conference 'Literacy: a learning spiral for life'
Fifty other sessions
2. Stephen Reder Tour post-conference
Darwin, Melbourne, webinar, Launceston, Hobart, Sydney
3. Foundation Skills for RTOs: free professional development
4. NSW ALNC 2014 Conference 'What's in a name? From ABE to Foundation Skills – and beyond?'
5. TAE80113 Graduate Diploma of Adult LLN Practice online
6. What Works for LLN: online library of free LLN training and professional development videos
7. Literacy journal articles - free access
8. Education at a glance 2014: OECD Indicators
9. National Foundation Skills Strategy Project (NFSS)
Stories from the field
10. New Literacy and Numeracy assessment tool trials
11. Reading & Writing Hotline
12. Minister for Industry outlines the future of VET
13. LLN in Australia LinkedIn Group
President’s Report
Hi all,
It is a busy time in the world of adult LLN at the moment. ACAL and SACAL are already planning the 2015 ACAL Conference in Adelaide and the 2016 conference planning is beginning as well. Our Webinar Program will cover research, resources, practice and policy subjects over the next year. There is more news to follow re a webinar on Friday 28th November. Please let us know if there are subjects or speakers you would like to recommend for further webinars.
This past month ACAL has discussed ways that we can support people exploring Adult LLN volunteer experiences in remote communities. We are also talking to RaPAL about ways our organisations can work more closely together.
I believe there is a need for a comprehensive national workforce development plan in the adult literacy and numeracy sector in Australia. Just as the health system has a range of sectors and practitioners to address different needs the adult literacy and numeracy sector needs a range of people able to assist adults at various stages and in various ways. These include volunteer tutors, trainers and expert adult literacy and numeracy practitioners to deliver different levels of support in different contexts. Currently the government is focusing on up-skilling those working in workplaces and in vocational education and training which is ensuring they can use training strategies that support literacy and numeracy learning and refer training participants for further support as needed. Community programs that train volunteers, tutors or teachers to support adults who are not yet ready, or unlikely to, enter the workforce are funded by state governments to varying levels.
Anecdotally, there is currently a shortage of qualified adult literacy and numeracy practitioners especially in rural and remote areas. While many applicants for adult LLN positions have education backgrounds they do not have experience or qualifications for working in adult LLN. There is no national data collected that supports the idea of a workforce shortage though Jobs Australia has identified that their members providing SEE have identified a shortage of applicants. (Teacher and Assessor Qualification requirements for Skills for Education and Employment (SEE): A Workforce Shortage Issue, Jobs Australia Submission: July, 2014.) One SEE provider found that out of 400 applicants for SEE Teacher positions over a time only 100 had the required experience and qualifications. Many people already working in SEE have up-skilled however the pool of applicants to fill new positions remains small. The government is providing LLN scholarships each year to up-skill people and WELL practitioners may also be available to move into other areas. We need to investigate whether this is enough to cover any gaps occurring and future needs.
My dream is to see a broad national workforce development plan that would clarify the need for practitioners in different contexts and areas, outline pathways to encourage new entrants into the field, detail the required skills and qualifications in workplace, community and educational contexts, and develop clearer ways for practitioners to move between sectors. What do you think?
I would be interested in hearing from you. Email me at
Looking forward to discussing this and more with you at the ACAL 2014 Conference on the Gold Coast October 2nd -4th!
Jenni Anderson
Australian Council for Adult Literacy
ACAL 2014 AGM • Notice of Meeting
Members have been advised that the 2014 Annual General Meeting of the Australian Council for Adult Literacy will be held on Friday 3rd October, 2014 at 5.30 pm at Crowne Plaza Hotel, Surfers Paradise. (During the 2014 ACAL Conference)
The agenda includes reports including audited accounts and election of office bearers (President , Vice President (to be based in a state or territory different from that of the President) , Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer.
Professional development
1. 2014 ACAL Conference 'Literacy: a learning spiral for life'
Thursday afternoon, 2 October 2014
12.00 – 5.15pm, Crowne Plaza, Surfers Paradise
'Frameworks: do they inhibit or enhance the literacy spiral?'
Professor Stephen Reder, Professor of Applied Linguistics at Portland State University
Professor Diana Coben, Director of the National Centre of Literacy and Numeracy for Adults, University of Waikato, New Zealand.
Professor Trevor Gale, Professor of Education Policy and Social Justice, Deakin University
2014 Arch Nelson Address will be given by Dr Darryl Dymock, Senior Research Fellow at Griffith University.
Fifty other sessions
Choose from eight strands.
Embedding literacy & numeracy in Vocational Education & Training and at work
Teachers as learners
Research in literacy, numeracy and learning – informing practice
Inclusion or exclusion: Commonwealth and state policies in L&N.
Academic literacies
Teachers as leaders for/of change
Teaching practices and experiences
Literacy for life
2. Stephen Reder Tour post-conference
Stephen Reder, keynote speaker at the ACAL Conference, has kindly agreed to visit some of the states and NT and conduct workshops in conjunction with local organisations.
Stephen Reder is Professor of Applied Linguistics at Portland State University. A principal area of study has been the Longitudinal Study of Adult Learning which followed about 1,000 high school dropouts over a ten-year period.
Gold Coast - ACAL Conference, hosted by QCAL - October 2,3 and 4 More
Darwin - ACAL in conjunction with Charles Darwin University and NTCAL - October 8 and 9 More
Australia-wide from Melbourne - ACAL in conjunction with ACER - webinar, all welcome, October 15, 2:00 to 3:30 pm AEST More
Melbourne - ACAL in conjunction with VALBEC presentation at a city venue 5.00pm-6.30pm, also October 15 More
Launceston - ACAL in conjunction with TCAL - presentation October 16 tbc
Hobart - ACAL in conjunction with TCAL - presentation October 18More
Sydney - ACAL in conjunction with NSW ALNC and UTS - presentation October 23. More
3. Foundation Skills for RTOs: free professional development
RTO staff come from a wide range of industry backgrounds with varying levels of foundation skills knowledge. The Foundation Skills Frameworks provide common tools for you to easily assess your learners’ language, literacy and numeracy as well as employability skills. The Frameworks are made up of:
the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF), and
the Core Skills for Work Development Framework (CSfW).
On behalf of the Australian Government, ACPET is pleased to offer you a fully subsidized ‘step up’ series which builds your knowledge and skills from introductory sessions through to a master class over an 8 month period - join as many sessions as you like! Initial workshops are now available.
4. NSW ALNC 2014 Conference 'What's in a name? From ABE to Foundation Skills – and beyond?'
12 December, Aerial Function Centre, UTS
As adult education providers in NSW prepare for the implementation of the new Smart and Skilled policy environment, and further experience the impact of the National Foundation Skills Strategy for Adults, many adult literacy and numeracy practitioners are increasingly asking: what about our 'second chance' learners we have had in our classrooms for many years; where will they go; will their needs be met? What has happened to Adult Basic Education?
Pam Osmond is known to many adult literacy and numeracy practitioners in Australia as a highly experienced and respected adult literacy teacher and mentor, author of many resources including Literacy Face to Face, and teacher educator at UTS and TAFE NSW. .
Liz Atkins is an adult education teacher educator and researcher from Federation University. Liz recently arrived from the UK where she had completed a study on young learners’ perceptions of VET programs (in the UK).
Julie Choi is an ESOL and adult teacher education academic at UTS who recently completed her doctorate in the area of multilingual studies.
We will be calling for expressions of interest for workshops presentation, and providing information about registration fees, and procedures very shortly.
More (PDF)
5. TAE80113 Graduate Diploma of Adult LLN Practice online
Charles Darwin University is now offering TAE80113 Graduate Diploma of Adult Language, Literacy and Numeracy Practice online and with VET FEE-HELP.
Recognition of prior learning (RPL) is available.
Or phone 08 8946 7529 or Email
6. What Works for LLN: online library of free LLN training and professional development videos
Seven new LLN videos have just been released in the What Works training and professional development video library. These new videos contain more practical LLN tips and good practice examples to help build vocational trainers and assessors capacity to support learners with LLN needs.
There are now 25 What Works videos available to view or download for free from the new What Works for LLN website.
The What Works videos are grouped into three series:
1. Introduction to LLN series (the original 9 videos)
2. Practical LLN tips for trainers and assessors series (NOW 16 videos)
3. Introduction to workplace LLN series (new videos coming in 2015)
7. Literacy journal articles - free access
Taylor and Francis online are celebrating International Literacy Day with free access online until the 10th October. Simply click on the articles to gain your access.
8. Education at a glance 2014: OECD Indicators
OECD Directorate for Education and Skills - Provides data on the structure, finances, and performance of education systems in the OECD’s 34 member countries, as well as a number of partner countries.
This annual publication is a source for accurate and relevant information on the state of education around the world.
New indicators on private institutions, on what it takes to become a teacher, and on the availability of, and participation in, professional development activities for teachers.
Data from the 2012 Survey of Adult Skills, on attainment, employment, intergenerational education mobility, earnings, and social outcomes related to skills proficiency.
Data from the 2013 OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) and the 2012 OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) in several indicators.
Analysis of the impact of the recent economic crisis on the interplay among educational attainment, employment, earnings and public finance.
9. National Foundation Skills Strategy Project (NFSS)
Stories from the field
Telling a story and listening to the stories of others facilitates a process of 'shared sensemaking' and an opportunity to consider the myriad factors that contribute to a practitioner's career trajectory and professional development. This activity is about providing practitioners with the opportunity to tell their story, listen to others and reflect on the journey. Stories gathered through the process will be used to gain a clearer understanding of the range of credentials, experience and professional development approaches that contribute to the professional identity of practitioners delivering language, literacy and numeracy and foundation skills in Australia today.
This will be part of the 2014 ACAL conference
More about Stories from the field
10. New Literacy and Numeracy assessment tool trials
The Department of Industry has contracted the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) to develop a free online Foundation Skills Assessment Tool (FSAT) to identify and assess an individual's literacy, numeracy and employability skill levels. ACER is interested in hearing from interested literacy and numeracy providers to be involved in trials over the next few months in order to gather empirical data and to provide feedback about the assessment system.
11. Reading & Writing Hotline
Update your provider details online or call 1300 6 555 06.
12. Minister for Industry outlines the future of VET
At the National VET Conference in Brisbane in September 2014, Minister for Industry, Ian Macfarlane, outlined the the future of VET.
In his speech, the Minister announced:
Reforms to the way ASQA operates
A new approach to the development of training packages
A full review of training products (training packages and accredited courses).
13. LLN in Australia LinkedIn Group
Join this open LinkedIn group and discuss LLN issues.
This is an ACAL and ALA joint initiative and gives you an opportunity to be informed or discuss current research, forums, or issues.
Try it (no cost, no commitment).