Stephen Teder in the Top End

Stephen Reder is Professor of Applied Linguistics at Portland State University and he will be jointly hosted in Darwin by Charles Darwin University's Office of Learning and Teaching and School of Education, the Australian Council for Adult Literacy (ACAL) and the NT chapter of ACAL (NTCAL) to present a program on the theme:

If literacy is everybody's business, what is 'everybody' doing about it!!!!

Registration for all events is required. Register here

Life-long and life-wide literacy learning: How do we understand and 'measure' it?

Wednesday 8 October, 11:00 am - 12:30 pm

Charles Darwin University, Casuarina Campus

Join Professor Stephen Reder from Portland State University as he shares his thoughts on research, program evaluation and policy analyses as applied to adult literacy education. Most of these are based on data reflecting short periods of program participation and short-term follow-ups of learner outcome measures. While short temporal frameworks conveniently fit existing patterns of participation and cycles of accountability and funding, they disguise longer term learning processes and program impacts. Longitudinal research reveals these longer-term processes and impacts.

Stephen will discuss The Longitudinal Study of Adult Learning – a ten-year investigation. Systematic comparisons of the learning trajectories and life outcomes of participating adults offer important new insights on long-term learning processes and program impacts and contribute to future research, program evaluation and improvement, and policy.

Adult literacy and learning: What's happening in Australia and the USA?

Wednesday 8 October, 2:00 - 4:30 pm

Charles Darwin University, Casuarina Campus

Join a panel of practitioners, policy experts and researchers to examine the state of play in adult literacy and learning in the Australian and US contexts, with a focus on how that impacts on the ground in the Northern Territory. Join visiting Professor Stephen Reder to explore the similarities, differences and implications of current policy and research on programs and the work of adult literacy practitioners.

Life-long and life-wide literacy learning: How do we understand and 'measure' it?

(Note: This session is a repeat of the session on Wednesday 8 October)

Thursday 9 October, 11:30 am - 1:00 pm

Charles Darwin University, Casuarina Campus

Join Professor Stephen Reder from Portland State University as he shares his thoughts on research, program evaluation and policy analyses as applied to adult literacy education. Most of these are based on data reflecting short periods of program participation and short-term follow-ups of learner outcome measures. While short temporal frameworks conveniently fit existing patterns of participation and cycles of accountability and funding, they disguise longer term learning processes and program impacts. Longitudinal research reveals these longer-term processes and impacts.

Stephen will discuss The Longitudinal Study of Adult Learning – a ten-year investigation. Systematic comparisons of the learning trajectories and life outcomes of participating adults offer important new insights on long-term learning processes and program impacts and contribute to future research, program evaluation and improvement, and policy.

Longitudinal Research in Action

Thursday 9 October, 2:00 - 4:30 pm

Charles Darwin University, Casuarina Campus

Join Professor Stephen Reder to explore his approach to longitudinal research including methodological approaches, design challenges and issues. Stephen will share his research experiences in the development and implementation of the Longitudinal Study of Adult Learning which followed the learning and progress of 1000 high school drop outs over nearly a 10-year period. Results from this ground-breaking study have challenged stereotyped ideas about this population whose skills and motivations traditionally have been misinterpreted.

This session will challenge you to consider approaches to longitudinal research in your own context.

2014 ACAL Conference 'Literacy: a learning spiral for life'

Surfers Paradise. Shell logo for 2014 ACAL Conference in Queensland

2013 ACAL Conference2013 ACA: Conference 'Local practices, global contexts

Taking the Lead

Taking the Lead website screenshot

This is a one-stop shop for information and advice on developing core language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) skills in the service industries.