Session ideas
Ideas for a presentation and poster
We’d welcome presentations and posters on things like:
- Hints for juggling a class of SEE and non-SEE students.
- Your experiences with the First Nations SEE program.
- Cultural safety working with First Nations learners.
- Managing interesting classroom behaviours.
- How to teach teamwork and collaboration skills.
- How to run project-based LN learning sessions.
- Placed-based learning incorporating reading for pleasure.
- Tips for hands-on numeracy lessons.
- Teaching literacy or numeracy to English language learners.
- Trauma informed teaching in action.
- What learner-centred approaches have worked.
- Ideas for successful team-teaching between LLN and vocational teachers.
- Using formative assessment.
- Reaching new or reluctant learners.
What other practical ideas would you like to share?
- Would you like to tell us about your current research projects?
- Perhaps you have ideas that need researching