LLN profile
Provide your professional profile for possible use in the ACAL newsletter.
Use the QR code or the link below.
Tell us how did you get involved in adult education?
Simply answer a few questions about you and your adult literacy/numeracy background and we’ll get in touch before we use it.
Sharing your professional story will help us advocate for workforce renewal.
ACAL profiles adult literacy and numeracy specialists and stakeholders, including trainee-teachers, to demonstrate the range of qualifications and experience that lead to expertise in the field. We encourage all readers to refer to the National Framework as a reminder that the TAELLN411 unit is an awareness unit and is at the start of a journey in LN teaching. For those wishing to extend from awareness to developing teaching skills we encourage shadowing, mentoring and training, There are also two universities (CSU and UTS) currently offering adult LN qualifications. ACAL calls on the Federal Government to lead action on renewal of a qualified workforce and professional pathways for adult literacy and numeracy teachers.