Foundations Skills

This page brings together the growing amount of information and reports about the National Foundation Skills Strategy.

On this page

National Foundation Skills Strategy - Stakeholder Input

Contribute to formulating ACAL's position for the new NFS Strategy

Training packages and Foundation Skills

Apprenticeships for the 21st Century Final Report

National Foundation Skills Strategy - Stakeholder Input

The Foundation Skills Working Group (FSWG) is seeking stakeholder input into the development of the National Foundation Skills Strategy for Adults (the ‘National Strategy’). The term ‘foundation skills’ encompasses not only literacy and numeracy, but also general employability skills, such as teamwork and problem-solving.

The Foundation Skills Working Group (FSWG) is seeking stakeholder input into the development of the National Strategy.

National Foundation Skills Strategy for Adults - Consultation Paper

The Consultation Paper has been developed as a starting point for submissions and focus group discussions. The paper examines the importance of improving foundation skills nationally and outlines issues already identified in relation to the delivery of foundation skills training.
NB: The Consultation Paper is intended as a discussion starter only and may not cover all issues around foundation skills training.

Consultation Paper PDF Version 773KB

Consultation Paper RTF Version 379KB

Contribute to formulating ACAL's position for the new NFS Strategy

The Federal Government signalled the development of a new National Foundation Skills Strategy in their 2010 budget. ACAL as the national professional peak body for adult literacy and numeracy has a critical role to play in ensuring that the knowledge and interests held by the practitioners, community groups, researchers, providers and teacher educators are represented and heard in the consultations that are expected to take place.

We encourage input from and discussion among ACAL members.

To commence ACAL's discussion with adult literacy and numeracy community, Stephen Black and Keiko Yasukawa have contributed their ideas recently published as an article in Literacy and Numeracy Studies. You are invited to read and discuss aspects addressed by Black and Yasukawa, or alternatively, post your ideas on what you think the new Strategy should do.

Read the full article

Foun dation Skills in VET productsTraining packages and Foundation Skills

This report 'Foundation Skills in VET Products for the 21st Century' comments on the design of Training Packages in relation to the effective delivery of Foundation Skills. While attempts have been made to isolate only design issues, it is not always possible to clearly delineate between the intersecting aspects of the policy picture. The emphasis of this report is on product, but there are issues around both practice and systems that would need to be addressed to ensure that Foundation Skills are effectively delivered. Although some practice and systems issues will have been identified, it is not the purpose of this paper to fully explore the effect of these issues on Foundation Skills delivery.

Read the full report

Apprenticeships for the 21st Century ReportApprenticeships for the 21st Century Final Report

There are many references to Language, Literacy and Numeracy and Foundation Skills. You many find this helpful in judging the directions for LLN in lower level VET.

General website about apprenticeships
A shared responsibility – Apprenticeships for the 21st Century Final Report of the Expert Panel
PDF version1.18MB

RTF version 2.28MB


2012 National Year of Reading

The Year of Reading
