Scoping a Foundation Skills Professional Standards Framework

Foundation Skills Workforce Development project

Documents to assist

FS Professional Standards Framework Consultation Paper

Consultation Kit

Consultation Kit Slides (PowerPoint)

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Give ACAL your opinion

ACAL is interested in collecting your opinions to inform our response to the Foundation Skills Workforce Development Project consultation. Please send written responses to by COB Monday 23rd September.

Through the National Foundation Skills Strategy for Adults, Australian governments have committed to explore options for developing professional standards for foundation skills practitioners to strengthen and diversify the identity of the foundation skills field. This scoping project is being conducted as part of the Foundation Skills Workforce Development Project. Findings from the scoping process will be reported to DIICCSRTE in December 2013 to inform any future work in this area.

The consultation paper aims to prompt thinking about the nature of the foundation skills field and the attributes of those working in it. Your organisation can play a critical role in stimulating discussion of the issues raised in the paper among your constituents. There is a consultation kit, comprising slides with speaking notes, and a feedback form, which can be used for group discussions and collective responses.

Where there is significant demand, the project consultant, Louise Wignall, will endeavour to participate (either face-to-face or via webinar or teleconference) in group sessions to support your consultation processes.

Interest in hosting a consultation event during September should be made by contacting Louise Wignall on by 6th September outlining the proposed date, format of consultation and group numbers.

Feedback on the Consultation Paper is due by October 11th 2013.

Please send responses and completed consultation kits to Penelope Gray, Executive Officer, Foundation Skills Workforce Development Project:

2013 ACAL Conference2013 ACA: Conference 'Local practices, global contexts

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