August 2019
In this issue
1. From the Co-Presidents
2. ACAL Conference
3. Foundation Skills Training Package update
4. Profiling literacy and numeracy specialists
5. ACAL Committee changes
6. The benefits of joining a professional association
7. NEW: The VET Practitioner Resource on VOCEDplus
8. $145,000 workforce planning and development grant
9. Around the states
TCAL conference - save the date
10. Update your teaching skills
Charles Darwin University
11. Corrections Conference 'Unlock your potential'
1. From the Co-Presidents
As we pass the middle of the year we find ourselves looking forward in anticipation. The ACAL Conference in Sydney is looking like a fantastic event. We hope to see many of you there. We are also anticipating the FSK release once all due process has been undertaken. Now that the dust has settled from the Federal election, we find ourselves waiting and wondering what will come of the VET review.
In the meantime teachers have started the new semester and are busy with practical matters, including for many a mountain of preparation, student support and in some cases whole family support. Many teachers spend a great deal of time with learners prior to enrolment. In many states, simply navigating the compliance-driven requirements to enrol is a deterrent to engaging in education. It is teachers, with their compassion and expertise, who facilitate this process and de-mystify the systems and processes to support students to enrol. This can take hours and multiple visits. It is work that is rarely recognised in funding courses, and work that requires skill and kindness.
Reflecting on the background work associated with adult literacy and numeracy teaching, there are pros and cons to the amount of preparation required. In terms of teaching, the ability to prepare and share teaching resources that suit current learners is key to the success of many adult LN programs. Teachers always expect to do preparation and enjoy the benefits when they see their learners succeed. For other types of paperwork associated with compliance and systems there is a question mark for many - shouldn't this burden be decreasing with better computer systems? What value does this bring to our learners?
Our wish for all is that your work is about creating meaningful experiences for learners!
This reflection leads us to consider Professional Development opportunities. How are you demonstrating your currency? Is the PD you are offered about teaching and learning or about systems and recording? We are interested in hearing from you about what PD opportunities you are offered and what you would like to be offered. The committee recognises the need to explore what it means to be vocationally current in our sector.
We look forward to seeing you at the conference to share ideas.
Daniella Mayer and Jo Medlin, Co-Presidents
2. ACAL Conference

3. Foundation Skills Training Package update
In 2019 the Foundation Skills Training Package updates are due to be put before the AISC. The Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) was established by the COAG Industry and Skills Council in May 2015 to give industry a formal role in approving vocational education and training (VET) training packages for implementation.
The list of members of the AISC and the role of the committee can be seen on their website It's an interesting read to look through the diverse backgrounds that sit on this committee. And yet I wonder about the place of Foundation Skills and the expertise that sits behind literacy and numeracy education. It seems that the more I see of how VET works and the decision making in the process, the more I question how literacy and numeracy are placed and understood within this context.
Daniella Mayer
4. Profiling literacy and numeracy specialists
Since the introduction of the TAELLN Certificate lV unit we have received many queries asking what defines a literacy and numeracy specialist. The LN field is diverse and experience and qualifications vary. In a recent submission to the FSK review, ACAL considered that the level of qualification and experience of those working effectively in the field is not necessarily correlated to their degree of impact, but we believe specialised qualifications and experience are likely to result in good practice. See the full statement here.
In this new section we intend to profile LN specialists over the coming months to demonstrate the range of qualifications and experience that lead to expertise in the field. We encourage all readers to refer to the National Framework as a reminder that the TAELLN411 unit is an awareness unit and is at the start of a journey in LN teaching. For those wishing to extend from awareness to developing teaching skills we encourage shadowing, mentoring and training - several RTOs are currently delivering the TAE80113 Graduate Diploma in LLN Practice and information can be found at
This month we start by looking at winners of the Australian Training awards Excellence in Language, Literacy and Numeracy Practice award:
Ros Bauer, Freya Merrick dos Santos, Lyn Wilson, Isabel Osuna-Gatty, Kathrin Colgan, Lidia Lipkiewicz
5. ACAL Committee changes
This month NSWALNC held their AGM at which Debra Urquhart stepped down as the state representative to ACAL. In her role Debra wrote several well researched conversation starters that presented the complexities of adult literacy in the vocational education space and provided thought provoking questions for us to consider.
As a committee we have valued Debra’s wealth of knowledge, her willingness to share information, and her support with any tasks that need doing. We wish her all the best in her future adventures and thank her for her valuable contribution as a volunteer committee member.
Vanessa Illes is the new NSW representative. Welcome Vanessa - we look forward to working with you.
6. The benefits of joining a professional association
ACAL is an incorporated association governed by a Constitution with an annually elected volunteer Executive and state-appointed representatives. ACAL's aim is to promote adult literacy and numeracy policy and practice.
Many members actively participate in ACAL via professional conversations, contributions to the newsletter, affiliation to state bodies, and attendance at conferences. For these members ACAL is a source of professional development about the practicalities of adult LN teaching and also about big picture issues that impact all aspects of adult LN in Australia. The annual conference showcases the best in adult LN and members receive a registration discount.
ACAL can champion LN ideas and issues and raise them with policy makers, compliance bodies, and others who impact the field. Often these decision makers are not experts in LN so ACAL provides background information with the aim of leading to better decision making.
Membership facilitates these interactions and supports a strong voice at this level. Although benefits are intangible, they impact what you teach, how you get funding, who can teach and what training is available. If these are important to you, become a member and have a say.
7. NEW: The VET Practitioner Resource on VOCEDplus
NCVER recently launched the VET Practitioner Resource at the 'No Frills' conference held in Adelaide on 10-12 July.
This new resource contains a range of information to support VET practitioners in their work and is organised into three sections:
Teaching, training and assessment: standards, guidance, research and good practice resources to inform daily work.
Practitioners as researchers: information for undertaking practitioner-led research.
The VET workforce: information about VET teachers and trainers, and the professional development needs of the VET workforce.
They invite you to browse the new resource and email us any feedback and suggestions for content at
8. $145,000 workforce planning and development grant
TCAL was delighted to receive a $145,000 workforce planning and development grant from Skills Tasmania in July.
The project runs over 2 years. It has three stages: 1) environmental scan and workforce profile, 2) domain workforce issues and challenges, and 3) plan consolidation and governance. The three domains of education, workplace, and community will be considered separately first, and then a whole of workforce plan prepared.
TCAL would like to invite contributions from ACAL members from both a state and national perspective.
9. Around the states
QCAL AGM and workshop
On Saturday morning beginning at 9 am, 7 September 2019, the Queensland Council for Adult Literacy will conduct a seminar titled 'Trauma-Informed Practice in the Adult
Learners’ Classroom: Some practical strategies to help adult learners' at St David's Neighbourhood Centre, Coopers Plains. The session will be presented by Maree Stevens and will be followed by an AGM.
TCAL conference - save the date
The 2019 TCAL conference is promising to be an interesting event where you can catch up with colleagues old and new.
The Conference will open on Friday 6th September with a quiz night and supper ($10).
On Saturday, we'll learn about 'Spelling theory and activities' with Jan Hagston as well as contribute to the Tasmanian Adult Literacy Workforce Development Plan. TCAL is offering a conference membership special.
New and resubscribing members can join for the remainder of 2019 for $10 and register for the Saturday even at the members' rate of $15. The non-member rate for Saturday is $25.
10. Update your teaching skills
Want to refresh your LLN teaching skills? TAFE Digital offers an online Graduate Diploma of Adult Language, Literacy and Numeracy Practice (TAE80113)
… or just want to update your numeracy teaching skills? TAFE Digital also offers an online Statement of Attainment in Adult Numeracy Teaching Practices (TAELLN802)
Enrol anytime, study in your own home or in a library or anywhere you can access the Internet
Enrol or more information, call the Grad Dip team on 1300 355 531 or 02 9715 8554 or email
Charles Darwin University
Do you have experience in teaching adult literacy and or numeracy? Are you looking for a new career direction? Perhaps you are a VET trainer and assessor wanting to upskill. Develop the specialist skills and knowledge required to plan, prepare, conduct and evaluate effective adult literacy and numeracy teaching programs.
CDU is now accepting RPL and enrolment applications for term four, 2019 in TAELLN80113, the Graduate Diploma in Adult Language, Literacy and Numeracy Practice. This program is delivered online – study the entire course, or select one or more individual units.
More info: Wendy Kennedy - 08 8946 6161
Lorraine Sushames - 08 8946 7219
11. Corrections Conference 'Unlock your potential'
ACEA Conference 2019 in Melbourne, 13-16 October, offers workshops across five key streams; Youth Justice, Research, Technology/ICT, Adult Education/Indigenous Education and Vocational/Industry Training, and will enable sharing and learning from each other's experience and success.
ACEA invites you to submit an abstract that highlights one significant project or initiative that your team has developed or delivered.