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Australian Council for Adult LiteracyACAL eNewsAugust 2013ACAL eNews is the electronic newsletter of the Australian Council of Adult Literacy (ACAL) and is distributed free to people interested in adult literacy and numeracy. See below for subscription details or to unsubscribe. In this issueWelcome Professional Development1. 2013 ACAL Conference 2. ACAL Conference Scholarships 3. Health Literacy Network: Crossing Disciplines, Bridging Gaps Discussion points4. PIAAC • Programme for International Assessment of Adult Competencies Resources5. Tell your learning story and may be win an iPad mini 6. Literacy and Numeracy Studies Journal State activities7. TCAL 2013 Conference 8. 26TEN Adult Literacy grant project: Namaste Conversations 9. SACAL Conference • Hindmarsh Welcome to the August ACAL newsletter
ACAL is looking forward to the conference in Sydney and is glad to offer an exciting opportunity for ACAL 2013 sponsorship. If you thought you would not be able to attend the ACAL 2013 Conference take a look at the eligibility criteria for this sponsorship. We look forward to reading your submissions. In this newsletter Dave Tout and Jan Hagston conclude that 'Survey results about performance levels alone don't tell us why problems exist or how to overcome them. Based on the quantitative data and qualitative background information, there needs to be a range of issues and questions posed, researched and answered'.
Send your opinions or articles discussing this to ACAL at info@acal.edu.au. See you all in Sydney at the ACAL Conference.
Jenni Anderson ACAL President Professional Development1. 2013 ACAL ConferenceFull session details are now availableOver fifty sessions to choose from conducted by experienced practitioners and researchers from Australia and New Zealand. International speakersSpeakers from the UK and New Zealand as well Australia. DiscountsMember discounts are available for members of NSW ALNC and ACAL and students. Sorry - Early Bird closed August 5. Networking opportunitiesPreconference program'Promoting Research in Adult Literacy and Numeracy: Research informing practice and policy; practice and policy informing research'. 2. ACAL Conference ScholarshipsScholarships are available to assist ACAL members and members of state councils to attend the conference. Scholarships to the 2013 Conference are open to applicants who have an active interest in adult literacy and numeracy and are able to demonstrate economic, social, cultural or geographic disadvantage and who are not able to have their registration funded through their workplace. Applications close on August 26. 3. Health Literacy Network: Crossing Disciplines, Bridging Gaps26 November 2013, Sydney University Health Literacy Network: Crossing Disciplines, Bridging Gaps is the premier conference in Australasia for experts in the field of health literacy. Hosted by the multidisciplinary International Health Literacy Network, the conference brings together international and local researchers, consumers, practitioners and policymakers for a day of presentations and discussion of new and emerging research. Health Literacy is concerned with the skills and abilities of individual health consumers to understand health information, engage with their healthcare and navigate the health system. The conference will examine in detail the many transformations in health literacy taking place throughout the world. The keynote speaker is the world’s most published author in this field of health literacy, Professor Michael Wolf from Northwestern University.
Discussion points4. PIAAC • Programme for International Assessment of Adult CompetenciesThis is an international survey of adult skills in the areas of literacy, numeracy and problem solving. Thanks to Jan Hagston, Multifangled P/L, member PIAAC Literacy Expert group and Dave Tout, ACER, member PIAAC Numeracy Expert group for an article on PIAAC. PIAAC Results 2013
PIAAC Article (PDF) Resources5. Tell your learning story and may be win an iPad miniAdult Learners' Week is an opportunity to celebrate and advance adult learning. By celebrating Adult Learners' Week together, we can raise the profile of adult learning and highlight its value. For your students - Tell your learning story in less than 10 words and you might win an iPad mini! You may have enrolled in a nursing course or learnt how to use the Internet. To share your story of adult learning, go to the Adult Learners’ Week website. 6. Literacy and Numeracy Studies JournalLiteracy and Numeracy Studies: An International Journal in the Education and Training of Adults is now co-produced with a Trans-Tasman editorial team: Keiko Yasukawa, Diana Coben, Stephen Black, Katherine Gordon, Niki McCartney, Hermine Scheeres, Jean Searle and Rosie Wickert. The first issue for 2013 was published in late June. The journal articles are free to all registered readers.
Vol 21, No 1 (2013) Table of Contents Editorial, Stephen Black, Diana Coben, Katherine Gordon, Niki McCartney, Hermine Scheeres, Jeane Searle, Rosie Wickert, Keiko Yasukawa, Articles An Aboriginal Adult Literacy Campaign Pilot Study in Australia using Yes I Can, Bob Boughton, Donna Ah Chee, Jack Beetson, Deborah Durnan, Jose Chala LeBlanch, Principles and Practices in Four New Zealand Family Focused Adult Literacy Programs: Towards wellbeing in diverse communities, Jane Furness, At Play in the Space: The concept of 'the social practice approach' in the Scottish adult literacies field, Aileen Ackland, Examining Museum Visits as Literacy Events: The role of mediators, Keiko Yasukawa, Jacquie Widin, Vic Smith, Karen Rivera, Michael Van Tiel, Peter Aubusson, Helen Whitty, Book Review Reviews, Alison Reedy, Janet Dyne, State activities7. TCAL 2013 ConferenceA Shared Vision: Literacy Practitioners and Volunteers achieving awesome outcomes. Saturday 17 August Bridgewater LINC The conference will focus on the practical techniques and knowledge that literacy volunteer tutors want to learn more about. There will also be presentations from the ABS and the new TasTAFE. Registration form (PDF) 8. 26TEN Adult Literacy grant project: Namaste ConversationsTCAL was successful in supporting a 26TEN Adult Literacy grant project: Namaste Conversations. This project will see traditional books and e-books produced which contain the stories of migrants to Tasmania. The resource will be able to be used in literacy support activities. 9. SACAL Conference • HindmarshFriday 23 August 2013 • 8:45 am - 4:00 pm Program includes Keynote Speaker – Keiko Yasukawa Vice-President of the Australian Council for Adult Literacy, and the President of the NSW Adult Literacy and Numeracy Council. Panel Discussion - Is there a right model? A panel of experts will discuss the benefits of using Precourse, Embedded, Integrated or Bridging Models to deliver Language, Literacy & Numeracy Programs Foundation Skills/Skills for All Update Delivery in Practice – Concurrent Sessions including…. Preparing for Study for the Homeless, Bruce Kuhne, LEAP Workplace Training & Project Officer St Vincent de Paul Society (SA) Inc Profiling & Supporting Trade Maths, Minette McHugh, Lecturer TAFESA, Regency Campus Mentoring Indigenous Learners- Realities of Assisting Learners towards Further Study/Workhttp://www.acal.edu.au/13conf/conference-scholarships.htm Kevin Coleman, Training Mentor, Tauondi Aboriginal College Reflections on Informal Learning – Dr Peter Willis, Adjunct Senior Lecturer, School of Education, University of South Australia Introduction to sewing, repairs and alterations Suzanne Donovan, Lecturer TAFESA Putting WELL into Practice More (PDF) |
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