2021 Arch Nelson Address with Lorraine Sushames
Arch Nelson played a major role in placing adult education on the government and public agenda and he was inaugural Chairman of the Australian Council for Adult Literacy (ACAL).
Each year, in recognition of the outstanding contribution by Arch Nelson, a leading figure in the field of adult education is invited to give an address in Arch’s name.
The speaker this year is Lorraine Sushames and her topic is
‘Moments in time – tensions, trajectories and intersections’
Arch Nelson Speaker - Lorraine Sushames
Lorraine has 26 years’ experience as a specialist in the adult literacy field and is a long-time advocate for the provision of appropriate programs for adults with literacy gaps. She has held the role of Honorary Treasurer and Member of the ACAL Executive since 2004. She maintains an interest in policy development and its implications for funding and practice. Of particular focus is the role that literacy plays in post-conflict adult education and in the personal and economic advancement of culturally diverse populations. Her publications reflect these interests.