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Plus member discounts for financial members of ACAL or of QCAL, NSW ALNC, VALBEC, TCAL, SACAL or WAALC.

A Taste of the Sessions

  • Technology Tearoom
  • Reading Writing Hotline’s role
  • Show me the Money
  • Untangling the literacies of governance docs
  • Digital learning resources for remote learners
  • YolÅ‹u ‘Bothways’ approach to English
  • Numeracy, what’s the problem?
  • What attitudes are we talking about?
  • Describing capability in the foundation skills field
  • Re-imagining WELL for work in the 21st Century
  • Graffiti as Literacy
  • Learning financial literacy skills through traditional concepts
  • The impact of domestic and family violence on adult women learners
  • Exploring NCVER pods to improve practice
  • Journeys of new migrants
  • LLN for employees, is a change of focus required?
  • Communication in time of disaster and emergency
  • Phonics-based adult literacy resources
  • Prioritising people
  • Blended Learning for the LLN Classroom




Santosh Mehrotra - a keynote speaker

Santosh MehrotraOur annual ACAL conference provides practitioners and managers with a chance to explore provision in the context of wider developments and initiatives globally and locally. This year's conference will offer many opportunities to do this.

We'd like to introduce Professor Santosh Mehrotra, a human development economist, whose research and writings have had most influence in the areas of labour/employment, skill development, child poverty and the economics of education - all areas underpinned by a sound knowledge of the issues central to our conference - language, literacy and numeracy.

His research interests have spanned industry and trade issues, the informal sector, and the economics of health and education. Professor Mehrotra has lived on three continents and travelled to 63 countries providing policy making expertise and expert technical advice to governments. He brings extensive professional experience to our 40th ACAL conference. We look forward to hearing how his insights will draw attention to shared interests and opportunities for Australian provision.