ACAL eNews
September 2013
ACAL eNews is the electronic newsletter of the Australian Council of Adult Literacy (ACAL) and is distributed free to people interested in adult literacy and numeracy. See below for subscription details or to unsubscribe.
In this issue
Welcome to the September ACAL newsletter
1. ACAL 2013 AGM
Professional Development
2. 2013 ACAL Conference • Just a few days to go!
3. Scoping a Foundation Skills Professional Standards Framework
Discussion points
4. PIAAC • Programme for International Assessment of Adult Competencies
5. Free numeracy resources
State activities
6. NSW
7. Queensland
8. Northern Territory
9. Western Australia
10. Victoria
Welcome to the September ACAL newsletter
Hi all
This month we are as a field looking at responding to the Foundation Skills Workforce Development Project consultation. This is a springboard ACAL could use to work with others to develop a matrix that describes a range of adult literacy and numeracy practitioners from volunteer tutors, VET tutors, Foundations Skills practitioners through to highly qualified professional teacher practitioners and researchers. This matrix could clearly define different roles and the experience or qualifications needed for that particular role. Clarity around different roles could then be used to develop clearer pathways for training and qualifications and on the job mentoring needs so that we are able to broaden and strengthen the adult literacy field in Australia. What do you think?
Let's discuss in Sydney at the ACAL Conference.
Jenni Anderson
ACAL President
1. ACAL 2013 AGM
Members and friends are invited to the 2013 Annual General Meeting of the Australian Council for Adult Literacy.
Monday, September 30, 2013 at 4.45 pm at UTS Function Centre, Sydney Level 7, 235 Jones Street (Building 10) Ultimo NSW 2007.
(During the ACAL Conference)
Hear reports of the 2012-13 year and elect the President, Vice President (to be based in a state or territory different from that of the President), Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer.
If you'd like to nominate (you need to be a member of ACAL) use this nomination form.
Professional Development
2. 2013 ACAL Conference • Just a few days to go!
Forum registration has now closed
Sorry we are no longer taking forum registrations.
Some conference sessions are full
Over fifty sessions to choose from conducted by experienced practitioners and researchers from Australia and New Zealand.
Networking opportunities - still some places available
Welcome reception
Harbour view gathering
3. Scoping a Foundation Skills Professional Standards Framework
Who is a foundation skills specialist?
Is there a foundation skills field?
Answers to these questions are being explored through a national project to scope the development of a foundation skills professional standards framework.
The scoping project is underway to generate discussion among those working in foundation skills to define and strengthen the identity of the field, advance the status and standing of the profession and explore options for developing professional standards.
Give ACAL your opinion
ACAL is interested in collecting your opinions to inform our response to the Foundation Skills Workforce Development Project consultation. Please send written responses to by COB Monday 23rd September.
State level consultation
Several states are also hosting consultation events - see state websites.
Discussion points
4. PIAAC • Programme for International Assessment of Adult Competencies
This is an international survey of adult skills in the areas of literacy, numeracy and problem solving.
Thanks to Jan Hagston, Multifangled P/L, member PIAAC Literacy Expert group and
Dave Tout, ACER, member PIAAC Numeracy Expert group for an article on PIAAC.
PIAAC Results 2013
What is PIAAC?
What do the preliminary results tell us?
What don’t the results tell us?
Why take part in surveys like PIAAC?
What next?
PIAAC Article (PDF)
5. Free numeracy resources
Download resources and put them to work imemdiately. Free from VALBEC, designed spcifically for our sector.
State activities
6. NSW
NSW Adult Literacy & Numeracy Council seminar
Workshopping the Council’s response to: Scoping a foundation skills professional standards framework
Thursday 10 October 2013 5.30 – 6.30 pm (followed by drinks)
UTS, 235 Jones Street, Broadway, Bldg. 10 level 5 room 580
The seminar will conclude with drinks and nibbles and a chance to catch up with colleagues.
Free for members, $20 for non-members.
You can join at the seminar and attend for free.
RSVP required by 4 October to
7. Queensland
QCAL will be holding its AGM in September in conjunction with a presentation from Sue Wighton who is a singer/ song writer and self-confessed logophile.
Saturday 21st September, 11.30am - 2.00pm
Rm F1005, Ground Floor F Block, Southbank Institute of Technology
cnr Ernest & Merivale Streets, South Brisbane
RSVP: All welcome - parking available.
In addition, a numeracy webinar is planned for November and will be facilitated using the Redback web conferencing tool. Beth Marr, an adult numeracy education consultant, features as a main contributor to the webinar.
There is also considerable work being undertaken to design a new QCAL website so bear with us in the interim.
8. Northern TerritoryA national project is underway to scope the development of a Foundation Skills professional standards framework for the foundation skills workforce. It is important that input from the Northern Territory is included. This meeting is to consult with NT individuals and organisations associated with ACAL to develop a NT response. Monday 23 September 2013
5.15 – 6.45 pm
NT Library, Parliament House, Darwin
9. Western Australia
The State conference was held in July and was attended by a record number of delegates.
Our new President is Theo Bekkers, a long-time literacy advocate, activist and volunteer.
WAALC is supporting four members to attend the ACAL conference.
WA has two Foundation Skills Champions: Cath Ralston and Jo Hart.
10. Victoria
VALBEC has conducted the two Beth Marr numeracy resources workshops in the last month.
The committee will be focusing on it's response to the Foundation Skills Practitioner Qualification Framework. |