ACAL eNews
October 2012
ACAL eNews is the electronic newsletter of the Australian Council of Adult Literacy (ACAL) and is distributed free to people interested in adult literacy and numeracy. See below for subscription details or to unsubscribe.
In this issue
1. New ACAL Committee
2. 'Joining the pieces: Literacy and numeracy one part of the picture'
3. 2013 ACAL Conference
4. National Foundation Skills Strategy for Adults
5. ACAL’s response to 'Creating a more flexible LLNP in 2013-16'
6. Review of government funded adult literacy and numeracy training
7. Queensland funding
8. Regional Education, Skills and Jobs Plans
9. 'Reading the digital word, to read the digital world?'
10. Unsubscribe
11. Contact ACAL
1. New ACAL Committee
The recent AGM elected the following committee
Jenni Anderson - President
Keiko Yasukawa - Vice President
John Radalj - Secretary
Lorraine Sushames - Treasurer
Geri Pancini becomes Immediate Past President
State representatives are appointed by the states. At this stage they are
SA - Kita Scott
WA - Margaret McHugh/Audrey McAlindon
Reps from NT, Qld, Vic, and Tas are to be confirmed at state and territory meetings.
Our thanks to Lindee Conway for her contribution in her role as ACAL Secretary.
The new ACAL committee welcomes input from members re our priorities for 2013. Please feel free to email a committee member.
ACAL looks forward to welcoming new state representatives. The ACAL committee will have a planning day early in the New Year and it would be great to have these representatives participate then.
2. 'Joining the pieces: Literacy and numeracy one part of the picture'
ACAL 2012, Hobart Tasmania
As the cliché says, a 'big thank you' to all presenters and participants, especially those from New Zealand for being part of a great event. Tassie did itself proud.
Many of the conference presentations are now available.
3. 2013 ACAL Conference
'Local practices, global contexts'
October 1-2, 2013 Sydney
4. National Foundation Skills Strategy for Adults
Launched on Sept 28, the National Foundation Skills Strategy for Adults focuses on improving outcomes for working age Australians (aged 15-64 years) with a view to moving more people to higher levels, but with a particular focus on those with low levels of foundation skill proficiency. Australian governments have set an aspirational target for the National Strategy that by 2022, two thirds of working age Australians will have literacy and numeracy skills at Level 3 or above.
Download the Strategy
5. ACAL’s response to 'Creating a more flexible LLNP in 2013-16'
ACAL welcomes the discussion around the service delivery of the Language, Literacy and Numeracy Program (LLNP) and the search for more flexibility. As a contributor to the debates on policies relating to adult LLN provision, ACAL is highly supportive of DIIRSTE’s call for discussion and review on what works and what has been problematic with the LLNP.
See the detailed response
6. Review of government funded adult literacy and numeracy training
The South Australian, Victorian and Australian governments (the project partners) are undertaking a strategic review of government funded adult language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) training. Geri Pancini and Jenni Anderson participated in interviews with Dr Sue North. The purpose of the review is to ensure that government investment in LLN training is effective in assisting adults to acquire the LLN skills needed to support completion of vocational education and training (VET) and participation in the workplace and modern life.
The programs in scope for the review are:
South Australian Government funded adult LLN training (accredited training)
Victorian Government funded adult LLN training (accredited and pre-accredited training)
The Australian Government Language, Literacy and Numeracy Program (LLNP) delivered in Victoria and South Australia.
7. Queensland funding
The Queensland government has axed many of the previous Labor government's policies including Skilling Queenslanders for Work. This has meant that Queensland government funding for community literacy programs has ceased as of the end of current contracts. QCAL has written to the Premier and Minister for Education, Training and Employment but to no avail.
8. Regional Education, Skills and Jobs Plans
The Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) has deployed 34 Regional Education, Skills and Jobs (RESJ) Coordinators to work with local stakeholders to develop Regional Education, Skills and Jobs Plans for the 46 Regional Development Australia (RDA) areas that cover non-metropolitan Australia.
The plans present locally identified opportunities and challenges and outline local strategies to improve education, skills and jobs outcomes in regional Australia.
Tasmanian Plan launched
Hon Bill Shorten MP launched the Tasmanian Regional Education Skills and Jobs Plan in Launceston on 3 October.
9. 'Reading the digital word, to read the digital world?'
2012 NSW ALNC Conference 10 December, 2012
The theme of the 2011 conference is: Reading the digital word, to read the digital world. The conference will work with a 'twist' of Paulo Freire's idea of literacy - that we read the word in order to read the world we live in.
The conference will feature keynote addresses by Professor Robyn Jorgensen on numeracy, and Helen De Silva Joyce on visual literacy.
For further information, email
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11. Contact ACAL
GPO Box 2283 Canberra ACT 2601 |