ACAL eNews
November 2012
ACAL eNews is the electronic newsletter of the Australian Council of Adult Literacy (ACAL) and is distributed free to people interested in adult literacy and numeracy. See below for subscription details or to unsubscribe.
In this issue
1. Review of the Reading Writing Hotline
2. ACAL's response to the National Foundation Skills Strategy for Adults
3. Steps and Stories- TCAL publication
4. ACAL Planning Day
5. New Zealand women and their numeracy skills
6. 2013 NSW Adult Literacy & Numeracy Council Conference
7. Message from a new arrival
8. Tracks to Two-Way Learning launched
9. 'Literacies in diverse worlds' VALBEC Conference
10. 2013 ACAL Conference
11. 'Joining the pieces: Literacy and numeracy one part of the picture'
12. Unsubscribe
13. Contact ACAL
1. Review of the Reading Writing Hotline
In December 2011, DIISRTE engaged an external consultant to assess the Hotline’s effectiveness, efficiency and appropriateness in connecting people to English language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) training.
Overall, the evaluation endorsed the Hotline as a valuable, unique and vital national telephone referral and advisory service. Nearly two thirds of individuals said that, without the Hotline, they would not have investigated other options to address their LLN issues. The evaluation has also identified some potential areas for enhancement.
See the report
2. ACAL's response to the National Foundation Skills Strategy for Adults
The National Foundation Skills Strategy for Adults was launched on 28 September 2012 by the Hon Sharon Bird MP, Parliamentary Secretary for Higher Education and Skills.
Download the Strategy
Read ACAL's response
3. Steps and Stories
The Tasmanian Council for Adult Literacy launched a book called, Steps and Stories,in Hobart on Monday, November 5.
Funded by a Skills Tasmania Adult Literacy Community Grant, Steps and Stories presents the journeys of nine Tasmanians who tell their stories of childhood and school life, and the ways in which their adult lives have been affected by limited literacy and numeracy skills; of their decision to change the situation and the steps they took to gain or increase their literacy and numeracy skills; of the ways in which they now are creating fuller and more autonomous lives; of those who have helped along the way and who continue to walk with them on this journey.
“I can understand more of the things that come in the mail. I am becoming independent and stronger.”
“Now I read books to my kids at night and they love it. Instead of saying, “Go ask your Dad,” I read to them ….”
Download a copy
4. ACAL Planning Day
The ACAL committee is meeting on January 22 in Melbourne. Do you have ideas that should be considered? Contact ACAL at or your state rep.
5. New Zealand women and their numeracy skills
The report 'New Zealand women and their numeracy skills: what the adult literacy and life skills survey tells us and doesn’t tell us about the numeracy skills of New Zealand women' examines data from the ALLS survey and challenges some of the ideas.
This report concludes that the numeracy skills of women are likely to be greater than the ALL survey scores suggest.
6. 2013 NSW Adult Literacy & Numeracy Council Conference
'Reading the Digital Word, reading the Digital World'
10 December, 2012, Sydney
Keynote speakers: Professor Robyn Jorgensen, Griffiths University and Helen de Silva Joyce
Registrations now open
Details and updates
7. Message from a new arrival
In June this year I arrived in Australia – I brought with me 12 years adult literacy experience in Scotland. My advice is don’t under-estimate what Professional Organisations can do for you.
Read more
8. Tracks to Two-Way Learning launched
The Tracks to Two-Way Learning package was launched in Western Australia at the end of October. The package is a train-the-trainer resource aimed at improving outcomes for Aboriginal people in education, training and the workplace. It incorporates 20 years of research and development into two-way bidialectal learning. Developed collaboratively by Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal researchers, educators and community people it has three parts: a Facilitators Guide, 12 Focus Areas containing materials to deliver workshops, and a Sample Workshops Guide. The Facilitators Guide provides a roadmap for people to get started to bring about this educational change wherever they work.
The resource can be purchased or downloaded free through the WestOne catalogue.
9. 'Literacies in a diverse world'
2013 VALBEC conference - call for papers
May 17, 2013 at William Angliss Conference Centre
10. 2013 ACAL Conference
'Local practices, global contexts'
October 1-2, 2013 Sydney
Confirmed keynote speakers: Professor Mary Hamilton, Lancaster University and Dr. Jeff Evans, Middlesex University
Pre-conference workshop on 30 September, 2013, theme tbc
11. 'Joining the pieces: Literacy and numeracy one part of the picture'
ACAL 2012, Hobart Tasmania
Conference presentations are now available.
12. Unsubscribe
If you no longer wish to receive ACAL eNews, send an email to with 'Unsubscribe ACAL eNews’ in the subject line.
13. Contact ACAL
GPO Box 2283 Canberra ACT 2601 |