May 2017
In this issue
1. From the Vice-President
2. ACAL Conference update
Speakers and abstracts online
Fees and program
Conference scholarships
3. Indigenous literacy film 'In My Own Words'
- See the trailer on YouTube
4. Numeracy professional development for lecturers – video resources
5. Workplace adult literacy and numeracy
6. Foundation Skills Professional Standards Framework (FSPSF)
7. ACAL on Facebook
8. WA Training Providers
9. Membership renewal
10. State Conferences
TCAL Conference - Foundations for Practice - Friday 2 June and Saturday 3 June
WAALC Conference - Building digital capabilities in the adult learning environment - July 14, 2017
SACAL Conference - The Domino Effect and adult education - August 18, 2017
11. Indigenous Consumers Count
12. Excellence in Language, Literacy and Numeracy Practice Award
1. From the Vice-President
Hi All,
The last month has seen the wonderful news announced of the keynote speakers for this year's ACAL conference. Professor Melissa Steyn, Professor Santosh Mehrotra and Dr John Guenther will canvas issues as varied as the economics of education, critical engagements with diversity, the informal sector of provision and labour arrangements, as they shape requirements for work and citizenship. The program is coming together beautifully and if you haven't already, I encourage you to have a look at the information on the ACAL conference page on our website and stay tuned for early bird offers.
The ACAL Committee is looking forward to soon sharing some position papers that are in their final stages of development, so do keep an eye on the ACAL website. Work has been undertaken in advocacy for a replacement of the WELL program as well as in response to the Foundation Skills Professional Standards Framework (FSPSF).
On a National level, ACAL members have been involved in workshops looking at the FSPSF as well as supporting the Project Reference Group. Throughout 2016 and 2017 Price Waterhouse Coopers has been working on a review of the Foundation Skills Training Package. Members from the ACAL committee have been involved in various stages of this review and hope that many in our wider community have shared their experience and expertise.
This year ACAL is expanding our digital reach. The ACAL Facebook page is online and has updates and information available. For those of you who prefer to interact through social media, be sure to connect with us. There are a number of conferences coming up, so please keep an eye on your local calendars. There is also information below about the Indigenous literacy film 'In My Own Words' and I encourage you to have a look.
Daniella Mayer, ACAL Vice-President
2. ACAL Conference update
Speakers and abstracts online
'Can technology erase poor literacy from the global South?' - Professor Santosh Mehrotra
'Literacy in the Time of Decoloniality: New Critical Capacities' - Professor Melissa Steyn
'Applying 'Red Dirt Thinking' to adult learning in the Northern Territory' - Dr John Guenther
Fees and program
We expect these to be announced very soon - you'll get an email when the details are released.
Conference scholarships
Are you an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander educator or emerging researcher from the Northern Territory? Would you like to attend the ACAL Conference in Darwin between September 13th – 14th 2017?
Applications close 5pm Friday 30th June 2017.
3. Indigenous literacy film 'In My Own Words'
Nominated for an award at the Sydney Film Festival.
Raw, heartfelt, sometimes painstaking but often funny, In My Own Words follows the journey of adult Aboriginal students and their teachers as they discover the transformative power of reading and writing for the first time in their lives. 'They don't think they can do it, but I know they can', says indefatigable class organiser Mary.
4. Numeracy professional development for lecturers – Video resources
The Department of Training and Workforce Development In Western Australia, in collaboration with presenter Beth Marr, has prepared the following video resources to help training organisations set up in-house adult numeracy professional development for teachers.
Dismantling maths anxiety
Cooperative logic: structured problem solving
Interaction and discussion: how to get students talking numeracy
Sense of volume 1
Sense of volume 2: exploring metric units of volume
Making sense of fractions
Making sense of subtraction
Guess, estimate and measure
Beth Marr will present a free webinar on Wednesday 7 June 2017 3.30 pm to 5.00 pm(WST) on how best to use these resources: Setting up in-house numeracy professional development
For more information, email:
5. Workplace adult literacy and numeracy
ACAL has produced a position statement on the issue of literacy and numeracy training in the workplace. You can read it on our website. A copy has also been sent to the Minister for Education and Training.
6. Foundation Skills Professional Standards Framework (FSPSF)
Many thanks to all those who have been involved in the feedback process for the FSPSF. ACAL has supported the Project Reference Group and have seen the variety of considered feedback that has been provided for the team working on this. Final refinements are being made with the project due for completion later this year, so stay tuned for the final release.
7. ACAL on Facebook
Some of you may have noticed the odd post popping up from ACAL on your Facebook connections and networks. Please do connect with the page if you are a user of social media. We have been sharing updates on the conference as well as links to information that we have found online. It will also provide an additional avenue for you to connect with newsletters to keep up with state and national LLN activity.
8. WA Training Providers
Western Australians are looking forward to their annual Training Providers Forum on Monday 29 May at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre. For the first time, the Forum will feature an entire stream focused on literacy language and numeracy. Delegates will have a chance to hear from Reading Writing Hotline staff re workplace literacy and Anita Roberts re the draft Foundation Skills Professional Standards Framework. A number of local presenters have also been selected to share their insights.
9. Membership renewal
Fees for 2017 have been set at
Student $59
Individual $70
Organisations with 10 or fewer staff $155
Organisations with more than 10 staff $250
10. State Conferences
TCAL Conference - Foundations for Practice
Friday 2 June and Saturday 3 June
The Tasmanian Council for Adult Literacy welcomes participants at its conference in Hobart on 2-3 June 2017.
Come along and hear speech pathologist and Tasmanian Australian of the Year, Rosalie Martin; Executive Officer of the Dyslexia-SPELD Foundation and President of AUSPELD, Mandy Nayton; and Head of Foundation Studies, Melbourne Polytechnic, Lindee Conway.
A great opportunity to develop your practice and network with others, the conference is also highly affordable ($5 entry for the Friday evening session, $20/$10 concession for the full day Saturday, refreshments and lunch provided).
WAALC Conference - Building digital capabilities in the adult learning environment
July 14, 2017
The first keynote speaking Helene Markmann on 'Digital Technologies to Engage and Connect Learners'. Keep an eye on our website for updates.
Call for papers has been extended. Make your contribution right now!
SACAL Conference - The Domino Effect and adult education
August 18, 2017
SACAL will hold it's state conference on Friday 18th August at the Education Development Centre, Hindmarsh. 8.30 - 4.00
The title; The Domino Effect and adult education promises to be thought provoking.
11. Indigenous Consumers Count
A most successful Indigenous Consumers Count event was held in Darwin on 4 May to focus on financial literacy. It presented a showcase of educational resources emphasising the importance of using culture as a tool for building knowledge and empowerment, prioritising culturally relevant designs and taking a 'strengths-based' approach. Many of resources demonstrated the importance of Indigenous elders as custodians of knowledge and sources of information on a broad range of issues.
Resources shared include: ASIC 'Take a minute with your money' videos):
ASIC 'Top money tips, from financial capability workers'. Indigenous money experts in the NT share their ideas on how to budget and save money
What can Indigenous people do to sort out their money? Financial capability workers give their top tips.
One animation particularly impressed were five new short animated videos featuring a crocodile that address behaviour indicators of problem gambling with a humorous 'Uncle Croc' approach - The animations were produced by ITalk Studios for Amnity.
12. Excellence in Language, Literacy and Numeracy Practice Award

Above: 2016 Australian Training Award winners
The 2017 Australian Training Awards’ Excellence in Language, Literacy and Numeracy Practice Award is open now for nominations.
Entries close Wednesday 31 May 2017.