Web version ACAL

May 2014

In this issue

1. Recent budget impact

2. LLN in Australia LinkedIn Group

3. 2014 ACAL Conference

4. Victorian WELL Practitioners Network Workshop

5. Dili Institute of Technology

6. Training package information and updates

7. 2014 Australian Training Awards

1. Recent budget impact

ACAL is pleased that the Government has continued funding of the AMEP, Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) and the National Foundation Skills Strategy. This funding is very important in providing adult LLN training to a large number of Australians each year.   

We are disappointed that funding for the WELL program has been discontinued.  This program has assisted individuals to take on more complex work and increased productivity in many workplaces.  We look forward to seeing what other options for employers assisting their workforce to improve their adult literacy and numeracy skills available in the Industry Skills Fund.

2. LLN in Australia LinkedIn Group

Join this open LinkedIn group and discuss LLN issues.

This is an ACAL and ALA joint initiative and gives you an opportunity to be informed or discuss current research, forums, or issues.

Try it (no cost, no commitment).

3. 2014 ACAL Conference

Call for papers closes June 2

Get your good idea or hobby horse front and centre. Submit your proposal by June 2, 2014


ACAL is offering scholarships for

Closing date June 30, 2014

Keynote speakers

Professor Stephen Reder, Professor of Applied Linguistics at Portland State University, USA

Professor Diana Coben, Director of the National Centre of Literacy and Numeracy for Adults, University of Waikato, New Zealand

Fees and discounts confirmed

Fees and discounts

Fees and discounts for the pre-conference forum, the welcome function, conference dinner and full conference have been announced.

Discounts are available to speakers, QCAL and ACAL members and all early bird registrations.

4. Victorian WELL Practitioners Network Workshop

Friday 30 May 2014 in Melbourne

AWPN Inc will deliver a half-day Victorian WELL Practitioners Network Workshop on Friday 30 May 2014 in Melbourne.

This workshop is supported through a National WELL Resource Project and National WELL Strategic Project under the Workplace English Language and Literacy (WELL) Program by the Australian Government Department of Industry.

The workshop will be held at the Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE Conference Centre, Building U Cramer Street Preston from 9.15am to 1.30pm.

RSVP as soon as possible to info@wellpractitioners.com.au with your name, organisation, telephone number and e-mail address.

5. Dili Institute of Technology

Seeking assistance in introducing English as a medium of instruction in 2015

Dili Institute of Technology is seeking an experienced person to assist us in setting up and implementing a year-long intensive English course for all new students in certain faculties, so that we can move to English as a medium of instruction in those faculties. We are starting with a pilot program for some 130 tourism students in 2015. To our knowledge, this is the first such program in Timor Leste, and there are as yet no national teachers with sufficient experience to take on the task.

For this reason, we are seeking candidates from overseas. As a local non-profit tertiary education institute, we are sadly unable to offer competitive rates to attract suitable full-time staff. Hence we are looking for a capable passionate person who can supplement their DIT salary from other sources.

For more information please contact Dr Catharina Williams-van Klinken, director of the Centre for Language Studies at Dili Institute of Technology on cwvk@livethedream.tl or (+670) 7724 8459.

6. Training package information and updates

The TAE Training and Education Training Package (restructured) is currently available to view and download on the training.gov.au (TGA) website .

The TAE10 Training and Education Training Package is currently available to view and download on the training.gov.au (TGA) website.

See also information about the changes between the TAE10 and TAE version of the training package with Frequently Asked Questions about the changes available in the TAE FAQ notes May 2014.pdf

Full details about the TAE10 Training and Education Training Package.

Details of the TAE Training Package (restructured) is coming soon!)

Current projects being undertaken for the TAE Training and Education Training Package:

7. 2014 Australian Training Awards

The Australian Training Awards are the peak, national awards for the vocational education and training (VET) sector, recognising organisations, training providers and individuals for their contribution to skilling Australia. Applications are now open for the 2014 Australian Training Awards.

To find out more, visit the Australian Training Awards website or phone (02) 6102 8647.

Watch the Australian Training Awards in action on our Youtube channel. Follow the Australian Training Awards on Twitter @AusTrainAwards.