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Australian Council for Adult LiteracyACAL eNewsMarch 2013ACAL eNews is the electronic newsletter of the Australian Council of Adult Literacy (ACAL) and is distributed free to people interested in adult literacy and numeracy. See below for subscription details or to unsubscribe. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ In this issue1. 2013 ACAL Conference
2. Northern Territory action 3. Western Australian conference 4. Queensland professional development 5. Victoria conference 6. Tasmania 7. Free ACSF workshops 8. A Plan for Australian Jobs 9. National Workforce Development Strategy 10. International Women's Day 11. Harmony Day 12. Scholarship for Women in the Not-for-Profit Sector 13. Measuring Social Outcomes Conference 14. Harvard Business Review Webinar: What is the Role of Profit in Scaling Social Impact? 15. ACOSS Conference takes on economic agenda 16. Review of standards for the regulation of VET 17. Tom, Dick and Harriet 18. Unsubscribe 19. Contact ACAL +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1. 2013 ACAL ConferenceCall for presentationsThe call for presentations has just opened and, as well as the usual presentations, presenters have a chance to have their paper peer-reviewed. Further keynotes announcedDr Inge Kral - Research Fellow, Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research, Australian National University. Inge is a linguistic anthropologist with more than twenty years experience in Indigenous education, languages and literacy. Professor Alastair Pennycook – University of Technology, Sydney Alastair is Professor of Language Studies at UTS and well known for his work on the global spread of English, particularly in his classic text The cultural politics of English as an international language, (Longman, 1994). Likely feesThe likely fees have been announced to allow you to start your planning now. 2. Northern Territory actionThe NTCAL has reformed as a 'Working Group' of ACAL after a hiatus of 6 or 7 years. A group of interested people met on 27th February for an initial meeting and there was a strong interest and lots of ideas about the role of NTCAL and the events that NTCAL could run during 2013. A second meeting will be held on Monday 18th March, 5:30pm. This meeting will focus on putting together an agenda of events that provide Adult Literacy Professionals and other interested people in the NT with the opportunity to network, promote literacy and numeracy services and provide professional learning;and cross-sector sharing opportunities. The events for the year will include guest speakers to share current research, practice and contemporary issues in the field. The Northern Territory Library has generously offered its beautiful premises at Parliament House, Darwin to host this and future NTCAL meetings and events. All interested people are welcome to attend. More information Alison Reedy at alison.reedy@cdu.edu.au 3. Western AustralianWAALC 2013 state conferenceCentral Institute of Technology, 18-19 July 2013 The theme of the conference, Getting back to our roots: Literacy for empowerment is a reference to the ideologies and practices that underpinned Australian adult literacy initiatives in the early years, during the 1970s and 80s. Delegates at last year's Conference expressed an interest in exploring ideas about learner-centred assessment in the present climate which has a marked emphasis on accountability and reporting. WAALC is interested in hearing from practitioners willing to share their assessment practices especially where balance between responsiveness to the learner and demand for accountability has been achieved. 4. QueenslandQCAL Workshop -'Top Teaching Tips'When: 12 noon till 3pm Saturday 23 March 2013 Where: Southbank Institute of TAFE Library (Enter car park from Merivale St). Free event - Gold coin donation to cover afternoon tea costs. RSVP to davidson.hazel@gmail.com Joint QCAL – QATESOL Regional PD 'Exchanging Ideas - Old and New. Large and Small.'For all teachers, tutors, trainers and volunteers working with adolescents or adults with literacy &/or numeracy problems or with ESL students of any age. Saturday 25th May 2013, 12.00 noon - 4.15pm Sunday 26th May 2013, 9.30am - 12.30pm Venue: Rockhampton Institute of TAFE Cost: Free to all members of either QATESOL or QCAL, $60 for non-members Further information on the QCAL website www.qcal.org.au 5. Victoria2013 VALBEC Conference - 'Literacies in a diverse world'May 17th William Angliss Institute, Melbourne Keynote Speakers
As part of the conference theme we hope to explore effective pedagogies that enhance literacies and numeracies while taking into account issues related to, and not limited to,
6. TasmaniaTCAL hosted their AGM on 9 February in Ross, a regional location. The draft constitution was discussed and referred for further work. TCAL's patron, Dick Adams MP, was present and commended the committee for their solid contributions to constitution review as well as their ability to reach swift but effective decisions. A workshop in the afternoon established the operational plan 2013. The first 26TEN meeting for adult literacy service providers is scheduled for 20 March in Hobart. 7. Free ACSF workshopsFree professional development workshops on the Australian Core Skills Framework are available till June 2013. Workshops will be conducted in all capital cities and at a number of larger regional centres across Australia. Online ACSF training is also available for remote rural participants. 8. A Plan for Australian JobsA Plan for Australian Jobs 'envisions a more productive, dynamic and globally connected Australian economy. Governments, researchers, educators and community groups are all essential partners. However, industry itself must provide the leadership. The Government is establishing new Industry Leaders Groups. The Government recognises that education and skills are the fundamental building blocks of an innovative economy, expanding opportunities and creating jobs. Knowledge produced through research is also critical.' 9. National Workforce Development StrategyThe Australian Workforce and Productivity Agency (formerly Skills Australia) has recently published Future Focus 2013 National Workforce Development Strategy. The Strategy makes a number of recommendations about LLN including one to upscale the LLN Practitioner Scholarship and fund it beyond 2014. AWPA would like to see a number of the National Foundation Skills Strategy receive funding and have nominated LLN as a central issue for training and workforce development. 10. International Women's DayInternational Women's Day was on 8 March. The focus of the celebrations ranges from general celebrations of respect, appreciation and love towards women, to a celebration for women's economic, political and social achievements. Thank you to the many women working in the adult literacy and numeracy sector. 11. Harmony DayHarmony Day 21 March is also a day for us to reflect on where Australia has come from, to recognise the traditional caretakers of the land, and to value the rich diversity of our community. Let us know if you held a special celebration of Harmony Day, of women, or other celebrations – send your stories and photos to info@acal.edu.au 12. Scholarship for Women in the Not-for-Profit SectorIn recognition of the key role that women play in the NFP sector, Chief Executive Women , the Australian Scholarships Foundation and Origin Foundation are offering a national scholarship for women involved in the NFP sector to participate in the Australian Institute of Company Directors' Company Directors Course. Applications close 18 March 2013. 13. Measuring Social Outcomes Conference'Measuring social outcomes is an issue that should be at the top of policy makers' agendas,' said Paul Ronalds from the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet in his address to the Measuring Social Outcomes Conference. One of the largest conferences on social outcomes in the world, the Centre for Social Impact's Measuring Social Outcomes Conference brought together over 300 representatives from the Not for Profit, Government, Corporate and Philanthropic sectors in February. 14. Harvard Business Review Webinar: What is the Role of Profit in Scaling Social Impact?Michael Chu, a leading microfinance investor who researches and writes about scaling social impact, discusses the business opportunity in providing basic goods and services to the world's poor. Through multiple case studies in areas such as healthcare, water supply, and microfinance he describes how private enterprises can serve both commercial and social goals. 15. ACOSS Conference takes on economic agendaAdelaide 25-26 March The 2013 ACOSS Conference is on 25-26 March at the National Wine Centre in Adelaide. Kicking off with a session called 'Putting Community at the Centre of the National Economy', the conference will hear from federal MPs, activists, figures from the economic sphere and researchers. 16. Review of standards for the regulation of VETThe National Skills Standards Council NSSC Position Paper, Improving vocational education and training – the case for a new system, was released on Tuesday 12 March 2013, and is available at www.nssc.natese.gov.au/standards_review . The paper puts forward the NSSC's position on the reforms required to the current standards for the regulation of vocational education and training. 17. Tom, Dick and HarrietDid you notice the wrong name on the recent ACAL Conference email? If you don't know what I'm talking about, ignore this. If you do know what I'm talking about, sorry for any confusion, it was still meant for you, yes you. 18. UnsubscribeIf you no longer wish to receive ACAL eNews, send an email to info@acal.edu.au with 'Unsubscribe ACAL eNews' in the subject line. 19. Contact ACALGPO Box 2283 Canberra ACT 2601 |