ACAL eNews
June 2012
ACAL eNews is the electronic newsletter of the Australian Council of Adult Literacy (ACAL) and is distributed free to people interested in adult literacy and numeracy. See below for subscription details or to unsubscribe.
In this issue
1. Certificate IV qualification for the delivery and assessment of foundation skills
2. Call for papers - TAFE conference
3. 'Numeracy: A Professional Development Resource for WELL Practitioners'
4. 'What it takes'
5. 'Joining the pieces: Literacy and numeracy one part of the picture'
6. Queensland updates
7. Tassie literacy services
8. Adult Learners Week 1st – 8th September
9. WAALC annual conference
10. Unsubscribe
11. Contact ACAL
1. Certificate IV qualification for the delivery and assessment of foundation skills
IBSA is scoping the development of a Certificate IV qualification for the delivery and assessment of foundation skills. The proposed qualification would form part of the TAE 10 Training Package. A consultation paper is available on the IBSA website. IBSA welcome group responses to the consultation paper and encourage interested stakeholders to get together with their colleagues to discuss the proposed Certificate. IBSA has workshop notes and feedback forms available to support this process and can potentially be involved in group discussions via telephone. Contact Anita Roberts to access workshop materials. Responses are due by 22 June 2012.
2. Call for papers - TAFE conference
AUSTAFE National Conference; TAFE on TARGET, 3 – 5 October, Alice Springs NT
3. 'Numeracy: A Professional Development Resource for WELL Practitioners'
This is a DEEWR WELL Resource funded professional development resource for WELL practitioners to support the development and recognition of numeracy training skills and knowledge consistent with the requirements of the Vocational Graduate Certificate in Adult Language, Literacy and Numeracy Practice. This resource can be used to support the following competencies from the TAE70110 Vocational Graduate Certificate in Adult Language, Literacy and Numeracy Practice:
■TAELLN702A Analyse and apply adult numeracy teaching practices
■TAELLN704A Implement and evaluate delivery of adult language, literacy and numeracy skills
4. 'What it takes'
This resource describes good practice in Workplace English Language and Literacy (WELL) training projects, particularly within the context of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander language, literacy and numeracy programs
5. 'Joining the pieces: Literacy and numeracy one part of the picture'
ACAL 2012, Hobart Tasmania
Fabulous scenery, beautiful food, and gorgeous Tasmanian spring days by the Hobart waterfront + interesting company and challenging discussions about connecting the pieces of the adult literacy and numeracy puzzle, cooperating to share expertise and creating the future together = the Australian Council of Adult Literacy 2012 Conference.
The ACAL 2012 program is now jam packed and registrations are opening soon. Where else could you hear about adult literacy, health and justice, numeracy, sustainability, the Vee heuristic, Freire and First Aid, all in one place?
We expect the program to be revealed and registrations to open next week (second week in June) - a conference update will be sent when this happens.
The friendly people of Tasmania can't wait to welcome you.
6. Queensland updates
Following the recent election in Queensland the office of Employment Initiatives, which includes responsibility for Community Literacy Programs (formerly in the Department of Employment, Economic Development & Innovation), has now become part of the new amalgamated Department of Education, Training and Employment. QCAL is uncertain as to the funding implications of this move but will join with the Lifelong Learning Council of Queensland in a delegation to meet the new Minister to discuss these issues.
QCAL has been busy updating its website, in particular the Directory of Providers. We are also exploring new online professional development strategies such as the production of a number of webinars on topics that are likely to be of interest to members.
7. Tassie literacy services
TCAL has recently added a map and listing of local resources to their website courtesy of DEEWR information.
8. Adult Learners Week 1st – 8th September
The theme of this year's Adult Learners Week is "It's only the beginning: Later Life Learning and Career Shifting".
9. WAALC annual conference
At the heart of the matter: Identity and trust in adult learning
11-12 July 2012
Central Institute of Technology
10. Unsubscribe
If you no longer wish to receive ACAL eNews, send an email to with 'Unsubscribe ACAL eNews’ in the subject line.
11. Contact ACAL
GPO Box 2283 Canberra ACT 2601 |