Web version ACAL

July 2017

In this issue

1. From the Vice-President

2. Forty choices at the ACAL Conference

Speakers and abstracts online

Fees and program

3. Training and Education and Foundation Skills

4. The research into VET teachers

5. State Conferences

WAALC Conference - Building digital capabilities in the adult learning environment - July 14, 2017

SACAL Conference - The Domino Effect and adult education - August 18, 2017

6. NAIDOC WEEK (2-9 July)

1. From the Vice-President

Hi everyone,


It is a fantastic opportunity to get in now and make the most of the early bird offers for the ACAL Conference in Darwin. There has been a fantastic effort by the ACAL team to bring together a program that reflects the wonderful diversity of the LLN practice across Australia and beyond. I encourage you to jump onto the ACAL conference website and have a look at the program and register online. The daytime program is complemented by evening activities that showcase the colour and excitement of Darwin.

Earlier this week I received notification that I have been successfully nominated to represent ACAL on the Education Industry Reference Committee (IRC). This IRC has responsibility for national training packages relevant to Training and Education and Foundation Skills. I look forward to the opportunity to represent our organisation in this work.

Ministerial response to position paper on workplace literacy and numeracy

The ACAL Committee prepared and submitted a position paper on workplace literacy and numeracy to the Federal Minister. This can be viewed on the ACAL website together with a response received from the Hon Karen Andrews MP. These activities are also shared through the Facebook Page for ACAL, so please stay in touch with us through your preferred medium.

Over the last week I have been invited to assist in research into VET teachers and their qualifications (see below). This valuable research has material online, which is well worth a look.

ACAL has continued to discuss the review of the Foundation Skills Training Package and is in the process of drafting further feedback to inform this review and recommendations. We continue to be involved in opportunities for consultation and input at local and national levels.

Daniella Mayer, ACAL Vice-President

2. Forty choices at the ACAL Conference

2017 ACAL Conference

Speakers and abstracts online

There's over forty choices to be made!

Fees and program

Registration now open - save $100 by registering and paying before July 19.

3. Training and Education and Foundation Skills

The Australian Industry and Skills Committee appoints members to the Education Industry Reference Committee. For those that wish to read more about the committee and its responsibilities, information is available online.

4. The research into VET teachers

Qualifications and quality is available online. It is exploring the question “would more highly-qualified teachers and trainers help to address quality problems in the Australian vocational education and training system?”

5. State Conferences

WAALC ConferenceWAALC Conference - Building digital capabilities in the adult learning environment - July 14, 2017

Keynote speakers

Helene Markmann on 'Digital Technologies to Engage and Connect Learners'.

Yvette Drager on 'The Australian and Global context for technology in education and training'.

SACAL Conference - The Domino Effect and adult education

August 18, 2017

SACAL will hold it's state conference on Friday 18th August at the Education Development Centre, Hindmarsh. 8.30 - 4.00

The title; The Domino Effect and adult education promises to be thought provoking.

NAIDOC week6. NAIDOC WEEK (2-9 July)

All Australians are invited to celebrate the rich history, culture and achievements of our First Nations People. It is an opportunity for the wider Australian community to recognise the contributions that Indigenous Australians make to our society, and this year's theme is 'Our Languages Matter'.