Web version ACAL
December 2017 ACAL Christmas

In this issue

1. From the Co-Presidents

2. Qualifications to teach TAE80113

3. 2018 ACAL Conference • call for papers September 12-14, 2-18 - Melbourne

4. WAALC state conference: Save the date Monday 16 April 2017

5. 2017 ACAL Conference videos

6. Australian Training Awards Winner

7. New Numeracy Resource

8. Professional development

1. From the Co-Presidents

Dear ACAL Community,

We are aware that many of you are gearing up before winding down. For many organisations December is almost twice as busy as one year is wrapping up while preparations for the next are already underway.

Hopefully many of you will have some less busy time on the horizon and might take a moment to put your minds to some of the issues that ACAL is interested in exploring in 2018. We have begun discussions around the qualifications to teach the TAE80113, as well as youth within the adult learning environments.

This year we were pleased to support the ongoing research that has taken place in the context of VET teaching qualifications and look forward to keeping an eye out for the reports as part of this process. Our role as a member with the Education IRC continues as we discuss the TAE and FSK suite of training packages, in consultation with PWC as the Skills Service Organisation in this area.

It was wonderful to see the celebration of good practice at the Australian Training Awards as Kathrin Colgan was recognised with an Excellence in Language, Literacy and Numeracy Practice award.  Perhaps 2018 will be the year you consider nominating a colleague, or yourself, for consideration in this space.

Some of the wonderful speakers from the ACAL 2017 Darwin Conference have been recorded and the clips can be accessed from the ACAL website. I can highly recommend these wonderful speakers, so if you weren’t able to make it to Darwin you haven’t missed out completely.

It has been inspiring to hear from the state committees this year. They have been providing professional development opportunities and encouraging networking that is so important in our changing field. Thanks go to all the hard working committee members around Australia who volunteer their time to keep us all engaged and active. If you are not already connected to your state organisation, please do take the time to connect. Following them on Facebook can be a means of keeping up with the wider LLN networks.

In 2018 we are expecting another year in which we can explore, challenge and expand our thinking in relation to Language, Literacy and Numeracy Practice. We hope to hear from members with anything to contribute to the discussions that we have. So if you feel passionate about any of the issues that come up, please do get in contact. You can contact us through the Facebook page or at info@acal.edu.au.

We wish you all the best for the end of 2017 and look forward to seeing you in the New Year and later in September 2018 at the ACAL Conference in Melbourne.

Daniella Mayer and Jo Medlin, Co-Presidents

2. Qualifications to teach TAE80113

After the issue was raised by NSWALNC, we are talking to PwC about the qualification ruling for delivering TAE80113, which stipulates teachers must have the TAE80113 and not an equivalent.

This is problematic for many experienced LN teachers who are either excluded from sharing their knowledge to new teachers or required to pay for RPL to get the qualification. There are concerns that the qualification was developed to encourage new LN teachers, not to create a financial and time burden for those already experienced, highly qualified teachers who have much to share with new teachers.

We will follow this issue during 2018 and keep you updated. If you have any input to this discussion, please feel free to get in contact. We would love to hear from you!

3. 2018 ACAL Conference • call for papers

2018 ACAL Conference 'Learning in Diverse Communities • Strengths, Reflections, Questions'

September 12-14, 2018 • Melbourne

How can we recognise the sound pedagogical practices within these diverse learning communities? How can we respond to the changing needs of these diverse communities? How do we continue to build the professional capabilities of LLN practitioners? You are invited to

Four strands

Where Are We?

What Are We?

What We Do

The New

4. WAALC state conference: Save the date

Monday 16 April 2017

5. 2017 ACAL Conference videos

See videos of major speakers from the 2017 ACAL conference 'Traders, Neighbours, Intruders: Points of Contact'

Pre-conference – Building a Foundation for Change

Executive Director of the Literacy for Life Foundation, Professor Jack Beetson

Arch Nelson Address 'To be or not to be … literate: A personal story'

Heather D'Antoine, Menzies School of Health Research

'Literacy in the Time of Decoloniality: New Critical Capacities'

Professor Melissa Steyn

'Can technology erase poor literacy and numeracy levels from the global South?'

Professor Santosh Mehrotra

'Applying 'Red Dirt Thinking' to adult learning in the Northern Territory'

Dr John Guenther

You can also see other documents from the conference.

Preconference papers

6. Australian Training Awards Winner

Kathrin Colgan Award WinnerCongratulations to Kathrin Colgan, Winner of the Excellence in Language, Literacy and Numeracy Practice at the Australian Training Awards!

Kathrin has had the opportunity to work in a diverse range of language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) roles and across varying learning and teaching contexts. She has extensive experience in the workplace as an LLN teacher and coordinator, in literacy youth classes, within industry, in independent learning centres and in rural and international locations.

Kathrin presented at the 2017 VALBEC Conference and the 2017 ACAL Conference and has recently joined the VALBEC committee.

7. New Numeracy Resource

Numeracy in contextNumeracy: teaching maths in context by Dave Tout is a new publication from Multifangled. In the resource Dave describes an approach to teaching maths based on applied and contextual learning principles where the teaching and learning of maths starts from a contextual, task based and investigative point of view and the maths is developed from the context and task. 

The approach is helpful for teachers of students who need a practical rather than formal mathematical background for their everyday life skills and further education, training or work aspirations. The text illustrates how this approach works through some sample contexts such as cars and driving, sport, cooking and catering, and draws together mathematics from the areas of number, measurement, space, data and statistics, and algebra. Worksheets to support the activities are available online at multifangled.com.au

Numeracy: teaching maths in context is available from multifangled.com.au in hard copy or as a digital download. Cost $29.70 + postage & handling.

Sample pages

Multifangled have made a batch of sample pages available so you can preview the book.

Win a free digital copy

Multifangled have generously made five copies available for ACAL members. All you need to do is complete the Multifangled form and you'll go into the draw.

You must submit by noon AEDT on December 22.

8. Professional development

TAE80113, Graduate Diploma in Adult Language, Literacy and Numeracy Practice

Charles Darwin University is now accepting applications for enrolment in the above qualification, designed for people wishing to move into the adult literacy and numeracy teaching field.  It is delivered externally online.  Study the entire course - or choose one or more individual units.  Study anywhere, anytime, over one year of full time study, or two years part time.  This course is eligible for VET Fee Help. 

Take advantage of the new fee structure, commencing in 2018.

Mobility Grant

Timor LesteCDU has secured a grant for the 2018 academic year, offering 10 students a wonderful opportunity – to enjoy a unique and stimulating overseas study experience that contributes to their qualification, visiting Timor Leste, a country with amazing scenery and a vibrant culture. This opportunity will contribute to expanding knowledge, expertise and confidence in developing content, teaching materials/resources and delivering a series of teaching sessions.

If you are interested in applying for enrolment, or want further information about the Mobility Grant, please contact Wendy Kennedy on 08 8946 6161 or email: wendy.kennedy@cdu.edu.au.