August 2014
In this issue
2. Numeracy webinar still available
3. ACAL Conference - Gold Coast - October 2-4
3.1 Pre-conference October 2
3.2 'Literacy: a learning spiral for life'
4. Stephen Reder Tour post-conference
4.1 Webinar: Literacy development, learning and life experiences of low-education adults
4.2 Challenging assumptions: program participation influences on literacy and numeracy development.
5. The new $476 million Industry Skills Fund
6. WELL Practitioner network conference
7. Numeracy PD opportunity: Engaging all Students in Maths and Numeracy
8. New Literacy and Numeracy assessment tool trials
9. National Foundation Skills Strategy (NFSS) update
10. SACAL Annual Conference 'Living with numbers'
11. NSW ALNC 2014 Conference 'What's in a name? From ABE to Foundation Skills – and beyond?'
13. LLN in Australia LinkedIn Group
1. President’s Report
I first began working in the adult literacy and numeracy field over twenty years ago as a volunteer in Adult Literacy and Basic Education (ALBE) in Tasmania and then worked in community, workforce and labour market adult literacy and numeracy services. Lessons were planned around the individual's needs as the tutor felt driven and outcomes were measured only by the individual and the tutor's observations. When I progressed through the Adult Literacy (ALT) and Adult Numeracy (ANT) training into university I was probably one of the first in Tasmania to get specific adult LLN tertiary qualifications.
Over the last two years I have seen many practitioners complete the Graduate Diploma in Adult LLN, VET teachers and Adult LLN workers in VET increasing their knowledge and skills levels, and in Tasmania at least I have seen those delivering community adult LLN services up-skilled as well. Practitioners now have more reporting tools, curricula, training packages, frameworks and resources to work with or within.
While there is still a need to develop clearer pathways into, and between, the different sectors of the adult LLN field it is wonderful to see the increase in the number of skilled adult LLN practitioners across the sectors, at different levels and contexts at the moment. This is creating more access points for adult LLN training and increasing adult learners' ability to access the assistance they need in more places and in more ways. For those of us passionate about developing people's adult literacy and numeracy skills this is very exciting.
This month's ACAL newsletter details the positive activity taking place to continue the development of the adult LLN field. ACAL was thrilled at the number of people who attended our first webinar. My thanks to Beth Marr and QCAL! (It is also great to see more numeracy professional development available through the SACAL conference.) Plan now so you do not miss out on the Stephen Reder tour of Australia and please take advantage of the opportunity to give feedback re the Industry Skills Fund.
I look forward to seeing you to celebrate, share, and progress the development of adult literacy and numeracy work and practitioners at the ACAL 2014 Conference in Queensland.
Jenni Anderson
2. Numeracy webinar still available
ACAL and QCAL had a webinar on July 30 using the free VALBEC numeracy resources. Over 100 people joined in while the author, Beth Marr, took us through some strategic thinking as well as presentation tips.
This event is now concluded but you can still watch the webinar.
3. ACAL Conference - Gold Coast - October 2-4
3.1 Pre-conference October 2
'Frameworks: do they inhibit or enhance the literacy spiral?'
We ask:
What are these frameworks?
What are their purposes?
How do they fit together and link to programs?
How are literacy and numeracy conceptualised within them and perceived by practitioners?
How is the individual learner positioned within the frameworks?
These questions will be addressed through presentations and discussions during the forum.
3.2 'Literacy: a learning spiral for life'
Fifty sessions, international keynotes and eight strands
Embedding literacy & numeracy in Vocational Education & Training and at work
Teachers as learners
Research in literacy, numeracy and learning – informing practice
Inclusion or exclusion: Commonwealth and state policies in L&N.
Academic literacies
Teachers as leaders for/of change
Teaching practices and experiences
Literacy for life
4. Stephen Reder Tour post-conference
Stephen Reder, keynote speaker at the ACAL Conference has kindly agreed to visit some of the states and NT and conduct workshops in conjunction with local organisations.
More details will be provided as precise times and venues are confirmed.
Gold Coast - ACAL Conference, hosted by QCAL - October 2,3 and 4 More
Darwin - ACAL in conjunction with Charles Darwin University and NTCAL - October 8 and 9
Australia-wide from Melbourne - ACAL in conjunction with ACER - webinar, all welcome, October 15, 2:00 to 3:30 pm AEST (see below)
Melbourne - ACAL in conjunction with VALBEC presentation at a city venue 5.00pm-6.30pm, also October 15 (see below)
Launceston - ACAL in conjunction with TCAL - presentation October 16
Hobart - ACAL in conjunction with TCAL - presentation October 18
Sydney - ACAL in conjunction with NSW ALNC and UTS - presentation October 23.
4.1 Webinar: Literacy development, learning and life experiences of low-education adults
From 2:00 to 3:30 pm on 15th October
ACER's October LLN webinar will be conducted by Stephen Reder, Professor of Applied Linguistics at Portland State University in the United States. Stephen will be presenting on the Longitudinal Study of Adult Learning which systematically compares the learning trajectories and life outcomes of 1000 adults over a 10-year period. Stephen will answer some of the research questions below in this webinar:
To what extent do adults' literacy abilities continue to develop after they leave school?
What life experiences are associated with adult literacy development? How do formally organised basic skills programs contribute to these learning trajectories? Workplace training? Other contexts and activities?
What are adult learners' patterns of participation over time in literacy training and education? In other learning contexts?
What are the impacts of adult literacy development on social and economic outcomes?
What are the implications of the findings for future research, program evaluation and improvement, and policy?
Further information or to register
Stephen Reder is visiting Australia through the support of the Australian Council for Adult Literacy (ACAL). He is a keynote speaker at the ACAL national conference 2-4 October and is also presenting at a VALBEC Forum in Melbourne on the evening of 15 October.
4.2 Challenging assumptions: program participation influences on literacy and numeracy development.
A seminar with Stephen Reder hosted by VALBEC in conjunction with ACAL, ACER and Victoria University.
Wednesday 15 October, 5.00 – 6.30 pm
Victoria University, Flinders Street Campus, Melbourne.
In this seminar, Stephen Reder will speak about research outcomes from the Longitudinal Study of Adult Learning (LSAL), which systematically compared the learning trajectories and life outcomes of 1000 adults over a ten year period. He will focus on the outcomes from this research that demonstrate how adult literacy and numeracy program participation influences changes in skills and practices used in social and employment contexts. He will reflect on the importance of shifting the focus of program accountability from measures of short-term proficiency gain to longer-term changes in literacy and numeracy. There will be an opportunity to engage in conversation around challenging of assumptions of some of the key findings with implications for policy development, LLN educators and program delivery.
Registration details will shortly be available on the VALBEC website.
5. The new $476 million Industry Skills Fund
The Australian Government will be holding consultation webinars commencing on 25 August 2014.
The webinars will consist of a brief presentation providing an overview of the Industry Skills Fund and its priorities, followed by a live Q & A session where you will be able to submit questions to a panel of senior Departmental representatives.
If you are interested in attending a webinar, you can register to participate by clicking on the preferred session below:
Monday 25 August – 1.30pm-2.30pm AEST – Open to all Stakeholders Register
Friday 29 August – 3.00pm-4.00pm AEST – Open to all Stakeholders Register
Monday 1 September – 11.00am-12.00pm AEST – Micro businesses only: (0-4 employees) Register
Tuesday 2 September – 11.00am-12.00pm AEST – Open to all Stakeholders Register
Wednesday 3 September – 7.00pm-8.00pm AEST – Open to all Stakeholders Register
Your participation at one of the scheduled webinars is encouraged. In addition there is still time to have your views heard by government through your submission responding to the Discussion Paper.
If you have any further questions about the Industry Skills Fund or the webinar registration process, email or call 13 28 46.
6. WELL Practitioner network
The AWPN is pleased to announce that the next AWPN conference will be held in Melbourne on the 18th, 19th and 20th March 2015 in Melbourne.
7. Numeracy PD opportunity: Engaging all Students in Maths and Numeracy
This all day session on September 5th will be conducted by experienced adult numeracy educator Dave Tout, and targets teachers and trainers of numeracy in both schools and RTOs. The focus is on moving beyond the textbook, worksheets and 'chalk and talk' to offer an alternative approach and a chance for ALL students to succeed and enjoy mathematics learning.
Further information and registration
8. New Literacy and Numeracy assessment tool trials
The Department of Industry has contracted the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) to develop a free online Foundation Skills Assessment Tool (FSAT) to identify and assess an individual's literacy, numeracy and employability skill levels. ACER is interested in hearing from interested literacy and numeracy providers to be involved in trials over the next few months in order to gather empirical data and to provide feedback about the assessment system.
9. National Foundation Skills Strategy (NFSS) update
Project's first newsletter
About the National Foundation Skills Strategy Project
Research to identify and qualify professional practice in foundation skills
Foundation Skill Community of Practice
Foundation Skill Workplace Champions Network Pilot
How to get in touch with the NFSS Project Team
10. SACAL Annual Conference 'Living with numbers'
Friday, August 29, 2014 - Education Development Centre, Milner Street, Hindmarsh SA
Keynote speaker - Sharon Stewart: Safety in Numbers
Guest speakers - Jiyue Hu and Yan Zhang: Course design for medical students, Chinese Second Military Medical University
Concurrent sessions:
Numeracy - making sense of the world - Jen Zhao
Financial Literacy Programs – Tamara Bennetts, Commonwealth Bank Foundation StartSmart Pathways, and Rachael Hayes, Smith Family Saver Plus Program
National Foundation Skills for Adults Strategy – finding ways to gather qualitative information – Teresa Howie
Keynote speaker – Ian Henscke, ABC Radio 891 presenter and journalist – Critical Maths
Practical sessions
Sue James – Fun with Maths
Penne Skewes – iPad/Phone Maths Apps for the classroom
More (PDF)
11. NSW ALNC 2014 Conference 'What's in a name? From ABE to Foundation Skills – and beyond?'
12 December, Aerial Function Centre, UTS
As adult education providers in NSW prepare for the implementation of the new Smart and Skilled policy environment, and further experience the impact of the National Foundation Skills Strategy for Adults, many adult literacy and numeracy practitioners are increasingly asking: what about our 'second chance' learners we have had in our classrooms for many years; where will they go; will their needs be met? What has happened to Adult Basic Education?
More details in due course
12. Taking the Lead resources
Taking the Lead, is the one-stop shop for information and advice on developing core language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) skills. This website provides information to help RTOs and employers, including online PD for trainers and assessors, case studies showing how employers and employees benefit from training that supports and develops LLN skills, LLN tips giving comprehensive advice on how to improve LLN; a searchable resource directory of LLN resources, and the latest news and events on LLN training services and funding opportunities.
13. LLN in Australia LinkedIn Group
Join this open LinkedIn group and discuss LLN issues.
This is an ACAL and ALA joint initiative and gives you an opportunity to be informed or discuss current research, forums, or issues.
Try it (no cost, no commitment).