The Review of Australia’s VET sector was recently completed and published.
This Review, conducted by the Honorable Steven Joyce, a former New Zealand Minister for Tertiary Education, Skills and Employment, argues that there needs to be a significant upgrade to the architecture of the VET sector so it can successfully deliver the skills needed for Australia’s future.
It proposes a new vision for vocational education in Australia as a modern, applied and fast-paced alternative to classroom-based learning. This Review recommends a six point plan for change and a roadmap for achieving it. The plan seeks to deliver a stronger skills sector which is a positive choice for many more Australians, whether they are starting their working lives or need new skills to advance their career.
In total, the Review makes 71 separate recommendations around the six points of the plan:
- Strengthening quality assurance,
- Speeding up qualification development,
- Simpler funding and skills matching,
- Better careers information,
- Clearer secondary school pathways, and
- Greater access for disadvantaged Australians.