Speaker: Greg Williams, Charles Darwin University

Webinar Date: Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Time: 3pm AEST for approx 1 hour Check local time

Fee: Free member-only

Join: As this is a member-only event, a link will be sent to registered, financial members.

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Yes it will be recorded and a link will be provided to members.

Digital learning environments are finally starting to live up to the promises they offered when they began to be introduced four decades ago and are now also demonstrating to us the need for new pedagogical approaches.

On the one hand, the democratization of technology forces a rethink of pedagogy that relies on authoritative and positivist models of knowledge-making and on the other hand, discriminatory access to technology and entrenched power relations are reinscribing modes of delivery and their pedagogical underpinnings. Different ways of knowledge making will need to be employed to address the affordances of digital learning environments and mobile technologies and it is crucial to address these issues in relation to people marginalised by traditional pedagogies.

Mobile digital learning environments facilitate a more relational pedagogical approach. The question is to consider what kinds of institutional practices need to be invoked to effect meaningful change and what pedagogical practices might be employed at an institutional level to sustain change?

Greg Williams

Greg Williams

Associate Dean Quality Initiatives, Charles Darwin University

Greg is Associate Dean Quality Initiatives in the College of Indigenous Futures, Education and the Arts.

He has been working at Charles Darwin University for nearly 30 years as a teacher in intercultural contexts mostly in the areas of Indigenous studies and public policy and coordinates the Master of Public Policy in the Northern Institute. His research interests lie in examining epistemological and pedagogical processes in intercultural learning environments.

Techno bits

How to take part

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Pre-event checkup

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You’re urged to test your settings and obviously it’s best if it’s the same device and service you intend to use while participating in the webinar.

Audio test

Video test

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During an event

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On show

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You’ll be able to ask questions via the Chat option and our ACAL host will monitor the Chat and pass questions on to the presenter.