Chris Sierżant

Organisational health literacy: Assess yourself using the HeLLOTas Toolkit with Chris Sierzant


Part of the 2022 stretched conference

Date: Monday, 5th September 2022

Webinar link available to members here

Language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) are fundamental to everyday health literacy practises. For teachers of adults, unpacking health information is a common theme and an authentic context in which LLN is often taught and learned, but did you know that the health sector is also working to address equity and access in the community? The Tasmanian Council of Social Service (TasCOSS) is one such group who are doing extensive work using the HeLLOTas Toolkit – a step-by-step process to further enhance your services. Improving health literacy is about communication, empowerment and being consumer-focused. Good health literacy processes cater to the diverse levels of language, literacy and numeracy amongst adult consumers. In this presentation, Chris Sierzant introduces us to the work of HeLLOTas and their health literacy toolkit.
This webinar is an opportunity to develop understandings of health literacy, find out about tools that can be used to address LLN demands of services, texts and websites, and to consider the importance of the different stakeholders in this field. Together we can increase health literacy and empower our learners and consumers to make informed health decisions. HeLLOTas is supported by Public Health Services (Tasmanian Government) and Primary Health Tasmania.

Meet Chris Sierzant
Chris Sierzant is a Health Literacy Coordinator at the Tasmanian Council of Social Service (TasCOSS). Chris helps individuals and organisations consider how they can make their services easier to find, navigate and use. He is interested in digital inclusion and the lived experience of the digital divide, and how this impacts our use of online platforms (telehealth, online appointments). Chris has worked in the community services industry for over 15 years with experience across international education, tertiary education (vocational and academic), government services, community services and not-for-profits, disability, homelessness, mental health, disability, primary health, and defence sectors. He holds an Honours degree in psychology and postgraduate counselling qualifications.