Speakers: Philippa McLean and Jenni Oldfield
Recorded: Wednesday, May 12, 2021
A link to the recording and chat text is available for members.
The Digital Literacy Skills Framework (DLSF) was developed for use in the Commonwealth Government’s Foundation Skills for Your Future Program launched in 2020. The DLSF covers ACSF Pre Level 1 to Level 3.
It has been developed to sit alongside the ACSF with the same format of Core Skill, Indicators, Focus Areas, Performance Features and Sample Activities. It utilises the existing Performance Variables Grid which provides essential information about the Support, Context, Text Complexity and Task Complexity appropriate at every ACSF level.
The DLSF is currently in draft form and is available for use and to provide feedback on, with a view to finalising in the first half of 2021.
In this webinar, Philippa and Jenni will walk participants through the development of the Framework, the key components, layout and structure. We will also invite interaction with participants through discussion of a range of sample activities and assessment tasks for the DLSF.

Philippa Mclean
Philippa McLean has extensive and successful experience in the VET sector, with particular expertise in adult Language, Literacy, Numeracy and Digital Literacy, LLND.
In recent years Philippa’s prime focus has been on the delivery of professional development and project work for the adult LLN sector at a state-wide and national level. Philippa has worked on national projects developing exemplar LLND assessment tools and delivery resources. She also undertakes independent validation of LLND assessment tools and processes. Her experience includes work as a Commonwealth and State assessor of LLND funding applications.
Philippa was the project manager and key writer for the development of the Australian Core Skills Framework, ACSF (Commonwealth of Australia 2012), the ACSF Pre Level 1 (Commonwealth of Australia 2017) and the Digital Literacy Skills Framework (Commonwealth of Australia 2020). Philippa also worked extensively with Indigenous Literacy Programs and Community Education Programs.

Jenni Oldfield
Jenni Oldfield has worked in the vocational education and training sector for 30 years as a trainer, assessor and content developer.
In recent years, her specialist focus has been on adult language, literacy and numeracy and training package development. Jenni was involved in the development of the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) in 2012, the development of the Pre Level 1 in 2017, and the Digital Literacy Skills Framework (DLSF) in 2020.
She has provided high level advice about adult LLND to Commonwealth and State governments and government agencies, and delivers professional development workshops for VET practitioners. She has also written many assessment tasks for the ACSF skills across all levels and all core skills.