

Meet Camilla Portela

Meet Camilla Portela

Meet Camilla Portela
Camilla talks to ACAL about her experience and her desire to contribute to the field, share experiences and resources, and mentor others.
Watch Now.

Why words matter with Dr Ron Wilson

Why words matter with Dr Ron Wilson

Should we say prisons or corrections? What terminology should we use? In this presentation, Dr Ron Wilson, President of the Australasian Corrections Education Association, explains why words matter.

Interview – Beth Marr

Interview – Beth Marr

Interview link available to members here “It’s really hard to change your practice -…but you’ve got to be brave…we do need to be brave”. Beth Marr is a numeracy icon and author of a range of practical books based on research. These books have informed numeracy...

Interview – Don MacDowall

Interview – Don MacDowall

This week we are pleased to bring you another interview in our Something to say: Lessons learned, lessons ahead. Series. Interview with Don MacDowall, recently retired ACAL admin person With a nod to John Clarke and Brian Dawe, Don talks to ‘Barryy Cassidy’ about how...

Interview – Sue Costello

Interview – Sue Costello

Interview link available to members here If you’re interested in adult literacy and numeracy and you don’t live in Tasmania get ready to feel both inspired and incredibly jealous. Sue Costello (26ten Manager) explains how 26ten came about, how it works, and where it’s...

Interview – Dave Tout

Interview – Dave Tout

Literacy + language + mathematics = numeracy

There is enough evidence that numeracy needs to stand out in its own right … research shows that low numeracy can have a more powerful effect in its own right than literacy, particularly for women.

Interview – Mary Wallace

Interview – Mary Wallace

Interview link available to members here How do you start your career as a bilingual engineer and end up as director of one of Australia’s most prominent and well-known literacy RTOs and audit bodies? In this interview Mary Wallace shares her surprising pathway into...

Interview – Philippa McLean

Interview – Philippa McLean

Interview link available to members here "I don't feel sorry for learners - I am genuinely interested in them and I believe they absolutely have the right to literacy and numeracy, and to good quality literacy and numeracy" This week I had the pleasure of chatting to...

Interview – Lorraine Sushames

Interview – Lorraine Sushames

“Perhaps people outside our field don’t recognize how pivotal it is” surmises Lorraine Sushames, ACAL treasurer and an expert on adult literacy in the NT, when asked why reports such as ‘Closing the Gap’ still don’t focus on adult literacy.

Interview – Vanessa Iles

Interview – Vanessa Iles

I nterview link available to members here In this interview I talk to Vanessa Iles, Manager of the Reading Writing Hotline. Vanessa takes us behind the scenes of the Reading Writing Hotline, describing their work and sharing some of the insights they have gained into...

Interview – Pamela Osmond

Interview – Pamela Osmond

Interview link available to members here This week I had the pleasure of interviewing Pam Osmond about her new internationally published book 'Developing Social Equity in Australian Adult Education, Lessons from the Past.' This is the first in a series of short online...