5 Minutes on …

5 minutes on the Social Practice View of Adult Literacy with Pamela Osmond
5 minutes on student-centred learning
To celebrate Adult Learners Week, ACAL invites you to reconsider the value of student-centred learning.
Thank you to Pam Osmond for spending 5 minutes to describe student-centred learning and share the benefits of this approach.

5 minutes on Coping Strategies with Linno Rhodes
How do you facilitate adult LN learners to rewrite their relationship with education? In this 5 minute video Linno Rhodes explains how to recognise and understand coping strategies adults bring to the LN learning experience.

5 minutes on The benefits of longitudinal studies and consistent data for prisoner education in Australia – Ron Wilson
5 minutes on…Longitudinal studies overseas resulted in an understanding of the relationship between positive prisoner education programs and a productive life post-release.

5 minutes on Reading with rhythm – Adam Nobilia
In this 5 minute presentation Adam Nobilia shares a pre-reading strategy he has successfully used to teach reading fluency.

5 minutes on whole language – what’s all the fuss about
5 minutes on …
Whole language – what’s all the fuss about? with Pamela Osmond
Watch the presentation here.

5 minutes on Student centred-learning with Pamela Osmond
5 minutes on student-centred learning
To celebrate Adult Learners Week, ACAL invites you to reconsider the value of student-centred learning.
Thank you to Pam Osmond for spending 5 minutes to describe student-centred learning and share the benefits of this approach.