Interview – Sue Costello

Interview – Sue Costello

Interview link available to members here If you’re interested in adult literacy and numeracy and you don’t live in Tasmania get ready to feel both inspired and incredibly jealous. Sue Costello (26ten Manager) explains how 26ten came about, how it works, and where it’s...

Learn how to teach Literacy and Numeracy to Adults

The adult literacy and numeracy stream of the Graduate Diploma in TESOL and Applied Linguistics at the University of Technology Sydney is a course for people who want to develop the knowledge and skills to teach English language, literacy and numeracy to adults in...

Read aloud programs for cancer patients research

Thank you to Elizabeth Wells, a PhD Candidate at UniSA, who has provided us with this preview of her work that considers the therapeutic benefits of reading for cancer patients. Receiving a cancer diagnosis is at best shocking, and at worst totally overwhelming....

An innovative approach to complex forms

Hastings Neighbourhood Service coordinator Julie Trowbridge recognised that many people in her local communities needed assistance filling in everyday forms which are unfortunately complex. In response, she worked with her team and volunteers to set up the LEAF...