May 2015
In this issue
President’s Report
Professional development
ACAL Conference • call for presentations close on June 1
Literacy and Numeracy Studies
Graduate Diploma of Adult Language, Literacy and Numeracy Practice
AWPN Northern Territory Workshop
'Make museums your own'
Singing and English as an Additional Language
'Decimals' and 'Measurement' numeracy resources
NCVER Research funding round now open
President’s Report
The ACAL Committee met recently in Melbourne for a face to face meeting. Thank you to the following guests for sharing information and updates. Rina Rose’meyer Manager, Department of Education and Training – Industry Skills Fund; Sally Thompson, ALA; Deborah Mullan, AWPN; Anita Roberts, National Foundation Skills Strategy project; and Dave Tout contributed to some challenging discussions and ideas. Brendan Fitzgerald of InfoXchange also outlined the Go Digi project. Investigate Go Digi
ACAL is currently working on a webinar program, a research project, a joint RAPAL and ACAL Stories Project and amongst other things, scholarships for the 2015 ACAL Conference – an International Scholarship for an Adult LLN practitioner from Vanuatu and an Australian ACAL Cadetship Scholarship. Watch out for more information about these projects soon.
This week I have also participated in the Reading Writing Hotline Steering Committee Meeting. Why not register your organisation to be added to the Hotline’s national database of providers, offering language, literacy and numeracy programs and services. Click here for the application form. For further information please email or call the Hotline on 1300 6 555 06.
I am looking forward to seeing you being bold, adaptable, flexible, courageous and willing to take risks in Adelaide amongst the tigers and pandas! Check it out.
Jenni Anderson, President
Professional development
ACAL Conference • call for presentations close on June 1
If you've missed the eagles, penguins, hippos, tigers and jumping peacock spiders, don't worry there's still time to submit.
Submit your proposal by June 1.
Registrations will open shortly.
Literacy and Numeracy Studies
Literacy and Numeracy Studies has just published its latest issue.
Vol 23, No 1 (2015)
Keiko Yasukawa
'He was learning to read, but he wasn't learning to live': Socially inclusive learning in a community setting
Greg Marston, Jeffrey Johnson-Abedelmalik
From teaching literacy to teaching numeracy: How numeracy teacher's previous experiences shape their teaching beliefs
Sonja Beeli-Zimmermann
Towards professional responsibility for language and literacy: exploring vocational teachers' emerging language and literacy understandings and identities
Tao Bak, Pauline O'Maley
Thanks for the continuing interest in our work, Dr Keiko Yasukawa, University of Technology, Sydney
Graduate Diploma of Adult Language, Literacy and Numeracy Practice
Charles Darwin University is accepting Applications for Admission to TAE80113, the Graduate Diploma of Adult Language, Literacy and Numeracy Practice.
This course is now available online.
Students may also apply for VET Fee Help.
AWPN Northern Territory Workshop
Monday, June 22, 2015 from 7:40 AM - 11:20 AM
Free Breakfast Workshop for Employers and Practitioners
You are invited to join us on Monday 22 June for a free AWPN breakfast workshop in Alice Springs, to be held at the NT Chamber of Commerce, Level 1/Reg Harris Lane
Working breakfast from 7.40 am, workshop 8.00 am through to 11.20 am.
'Make museums your own'
'Make museums your own' resource was one of the outcomes of the Family Literacy Project funded by 26TEN
The resource added to the site is a short animation and 4 page downloadable PDF for museum workers and teachers to show to families considering visiting a museum.
It was one of the legacies of the ‘Family literacy’ research project supported by Mission Australia and funds from 26TEN grant (from Skills Tasmania, a business unit of the Department of Education). The resource content was based on the experiences of the nine families who participated in the ‘Family literacy’project from Mission Australia Language and Literacy classes and the Hobart Women’s Shelter. Some families arrived in Australia as refugees or from the mainland whilst others were born and bred here in Tasmania. Families visited the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery or the Museum of Old and New Art.
Singing and English as an Additional Language
Community Music Victoria and Urban Lyrebirds have formed a partnership and are working towards implementing a Sing English project in the Greater Shepparton region in 2016-2017.
Sing English will build the foundations of a locally delivered professional development program for EAL (English as an Additional Language) teachers and multicultural playgroup leaders in Greater Shepparton, focusing on using singing as a classroom English language teaching tool.
More: Jane Coker (Victoria Sings Co-ordinator Community Music) or Urban Lyrebirds
'Decimals' and 'Measurement' numeracy resources
VALBEC has added 'Decimals' and 'Measurement' to the popular existing resources of 'Getting Started', 'Exploring Numbers', 'In the Head Calculations', 'Fractions' and 'Percentages'.
'Decimals' and 'Measurement' are free to VALBEC members and can be downloaded for a small fee by non-members.
Explore samples of 'Measurement'
View the webinar created by ACAL with the resources author Beth Marr as she introduces the free resources.
NCVER Research funding round now open
NCVER, on behalf of the Australian Government and state and territory governments, seeks experienced researchers to conduct high quality research.
This funding round is seeking proposals under three specific topic areas pertinent to policy and the operations of the vocational education sector identified in NCVER's Research Prospectus:
The role of VET skills in raising national productivity
Engagement, retention and completions in post-school VET programs: what works and why?
Student choice and the student experience in the current VET climate