Australian Council for Adult Literacy
ACAL eNews
February 2012
ACAL eNews is the electronic newsletter of the Australian Council of Adult Literacy (ACAL) and is distributed free to people interested in adult literacy and numeracy. See below for subscription details or to unsubscribe.
In this issue
- 2012 ACAL Conference 'Joining the pieces: Literacy and numeracy - one part of the picture'
- From the perspective of an Adult Literacy teacher: A literacy story with a message
- Recent publications
- Does 1 =1? Mapping measures of adult language, literacy and numeracy
- Points of View
- Support material for Vocational Graduate Certificate in LLN Practice
- Australian Core Skills Framework workshops
- ALPA 2012 Conference Measuring success: Opportunities and Challenges.
- Adults Learning Mathematics Conference
- National Adult Language, Literacy and Numeracy Assessment Conference
- AVETRA 15th Annual Conference, 12-13 April 2012 Canberra
- Scoping the Foundation Skills Training Package
- States
- Unsubscribe
- Contact ACAL
1. 2012 ACAL Conference 'Joining the pieces: Literacy and numeracy - one part of the picture'
The 35th ACAL National Conference is happening in Tasmania, the island of inspiration – and you’re invited!
Tasmania is an island with a fascinating history and a rich heritage. TCAL welcomes ACAL delegates to become part of the life of our island and experience the 35th ACAL Annual Conference in one of the world’s most stunning environments.
The 2012 conference theme Joining the Pieces: Literacy and Numeracy - One Part to the Picture, will unleash an explosion of ideas for delegates from Australia and overseas.
The 2012 ACAL conference encourages a broad range of professionals to share their knowledge and expertise. People working in the adult literacy and numeracy education field; in community services; and those working in the volunteer, Government and NGO areas will be immersed in challenging, exciting and inspiring presentations, workshops and professional development conversations.
2. From the perspective of an Adult Literacy teacher: A literacy story with a message
Sheryl Gwyther, previously an Adult literacy teacher, now a published children's author, writes about a literacy experience that as she puts it, ‘left a scar on my heart” . Sheryl's story begins... In this National Year of Reading, I want to tell you a story. It’s not one that I tell very often because there’s a scar on my heart from a tragedy on April Fool’s Day, almost twenty-two years ago. It’s a story of despair and hope and tragedy….
Continue reading
3. Recent publications
A new issue of Literacy and Numeracy Studies: An international journal in the education and training of adults was published late last year.
The Use of Activity Theory in Literacy Research: Working and developing a vocational portfolio and the interaction of the two activities by Zoe Nikoalidou
Someone Like Us: Trades identities and support for work/learning by Chris Holland
'You have to find a location where you will sell, where you think you will sell most' – Exploring the numeracy skills of female microcredit clients in Nicaragua by Sonja Beeli-Zimmermann
Spiders are Mammals: Direct Instruction in Cape York by Louise Dow
Access these articles. New readers will need to register, but there is no cost.
4. Does 1 =1? Mapping measures of adult language, literacy and numeracy
Familiar with adult language, literacy and numeracy concepts? Keen on getting an iPad? Perfect! NCVER, together with Victoria University and Educational Measurement Solutions will be running a short online survey to find out whether performance levels in the Adult Literacy and Life Skills survey relate to those of the Australian Core Skills Framework. It’s sometimes assumed that these levels are equivalent, but are they? Every completed survey goes into a draw to win one of six Apple iPad 2’s (32GB Wi-Fi). Keep an eye on the NCVER website over the next few weeks for a link to the survey.
5. Points of View
ACAL will include a section on its website, "Four Viewpoints" to seek a variety of opinions and expertise on burning issues. We want your burning issues, please. Write and tell us what you want to get out in the open. Possible issues for the near future are, "How does the R & W Hotline help?", "What's good about the LLNP?", " Why does compliance take so much paper?". Please send in your brief question, and if you would like to have your viewpoint included, a 350-500 word opinion piece,with your name and ' position'- are you a practitioner, a learner, a content writer, a contract manager?
6. Support material for Vocational Graduate Certificate in LLN Practice
IBSA has released the support materials for the four core units and two main electives for Vocational Graduate Certificate in LLN Practice.
A Knowledge Bank publication supports these materials.
7. Australian Core Skills Framework workshops
Free professional development workshops on the use of the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) are available in all capital cities and some major regional centres during 2012.
For a list of workshop dates and venues and other information or to register for the workshop please go to
All registration is completed online.
8. ALPA 2012 Conference Measuring success: Opportunities and Challenges.
The Adult Literacy Practitioners Association (ALPA) will hold the 2012 annual conference from 29 June – 1 July 2012 in Auckland , co-hosted by AUT University.
250 word (max) abstracts (presentations or workshops) are invited for any of the fields:
Foundation skills in vocational education and bridging contexts
Workplace LLN
Community-based LLN
Corrections-based contexts
Welfare-to-work programmes
Youth Transition
Adult ESOL Literacy
Whanau/family literacy
Financial literacy
Health literacy
E-learning initiatives and digital literacies
Call for abstracts (closing date Mon 26 Mar)
Visit Literacy Aotearoa’s website for further details.
9. Adults Learning Mathematics Conference
26–29 June, 2012 in Auckland, NZ
10. National Adult Language, Literacy and Numeracy Assessment Conference – Industry, Training and Education: Partners in improving skills
ACER is pleased to present this national conference in Melbourne on May 4, 2012. The conference is a response to increasing national and state interest in addressing and improving the LLN skills of Australian youth and adults participating in the VET sector and in Australia’s workforce. Two half day pre-conference workshops will also be held at ACER on May 3, 2012.
More information and to register
11. AVETRA 15th Annual Conference, 12-13 April 2012 Canberra
Theme: “The Value and Voice of VET Research: for individuals, industry, the community and the nation.”
The AVETRA Conference will have a Pre-Conference workshop and other papers related to LLN and Foundation Skills issues.
Pre Conference Workshops will be held on 11 April.
Australian Adult Literacy and Numeracy Provision: Building Sustainable Research Cultures
This is an interactive preconference workshop to promote debate about the role of research in building and supporting adult literacy and numeracy (ALN) provision in Australia via two related activities:
1. a discussion paper and panel session on the role of field based and university ‘knowledge work’ in building understandings of ALN provision in Australia.
2. an interactive workshop that canvasses participant’s responses to historical artefacts associated with key shifts in ALN provision over the past three decades.
In addition there will be other sessions related to LLN and Foundation Skills during the Conference.
12. Scoping the Foundation Skills Training Package
IBSA has concluded the scoping phase of the Foundation Skills Training Package development. A copy of the final scoping report is available on the IBSA website.
The Training Package development phase is now underway. A project team from NSW TAFE is developing the endorsed component of the Training Package, including Certificate I and II qualifications and a bank of foundation skills units. Another project team, from TAFE SA, is developing a companion volume for the Training Package that will include implementation advice and examples of good practice.
The development phase is expected to be completed by mid-2012 with draft materials available on the IBSA website for feedback in April. For further information on the Foundation Skills Training Package development contact the Project Co-ordinator, Anita Roberts
13. States
13.1 Tasmania
Steps and Stories
Tasmanian Council for Adult Literacy have been successful in obtaining a Skills Tasmania grant to produce an A5 booklet titled Steps and Stories. The publication will be a resource for literacy practitioners and students and will contain stories of relationships to the people and organisations assisting and facilitating their adult literacy journeys. Primarily the booklet is to disclose steps undertaken by literacy clients to engage in adult learning and to celebrate their successes and document future goals. TCAL will be formally inviting participation from the Tasmanian public for expressions of interest for these biographies. Watch this space.
Australian Core Skills Framework Introductory Workshop
This free workshop, presented by Philippa McLean, offers an introduction to the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF), looking at the theoretical underpinnings and structure, followed by its application to activities such as task development, task validation and moderation of student work. It will include information about the recent revisions to the Framework. Details are as follows: Tuesday, 21 February 2012 Hobart CBD (venue to be advised) 9.15 – 3:45 pm Lunch, tea and coffee will be provided – please advise any dietary requirements.
Who should attend? Adult literacy teachers and others working in the field needing an introduction to the ACSF
What to bring It would be helpful if participants bring along examples of texts used in the workplace, which includes texts related to reading, writing, oral communication and numeracy. Please also bring along your copy of the ACSF if you have one.
To register/further information If you have any queries or you need a copy of the ACSF then please contact Jen Dunbabin on (03) 6233 8487 or email .
Numbers are limited (maximum 20), so please register as soon as possible.
Mapping of adult literacy/numeracy services in Tasmania
The Regional Education, Skills and Jobs Coordinator for Tasmania, Shirley Grace, is currently mapping adult literacy/numeracy services across the state, as access to these service can improve skills and lower unemployment. Adult literacy/numeracy services are located in a number of locations across the state and offer a range of literacy/numeracy services to many different client groups and individuals. The aim of the map is to enable clients, as well as service providers, to access information to ensure that clients are referred to the most appropriate service that suits their needs. If your organisation is interested in being listed in the literacy/numeracy services map, please contact Shirley ( ), who will send you a pro forma for completion. She will then compile the information and ensure that clients and service providers can access the information according to clients’ needs.
13.2 NSW
The 2011 NSW ALNC Annual Conference
The 2011 Annual Conference 'Participation, Partnerships and Professionalism – the other PPP' was a very successful conference, thanks to the more than 120 participants, and the many stimulating presentations and workshops. We thank all those who contributed the making of the successful day! Over the next few weeks, we will be uploading some of the presentations and photos from the conference on our website.
13.3 Victoria
VALBEC Annual Conference
Read the word, Read the world - Melbourne
May 25, 2012
Strategic Review of Effective Re-engagement Models for Disengaged Learners Report
The report profiles the characteristics of low skilled, working age Victorians who have disengaged in education and training and documents effective practices and programs to re-engage them. The report also provides advice on programmatic costs, potential funding models and approaches to program evaluation.
13.4 Queensland
Thirtieth anniversary
The Queensland Council for Adult Literacy (QCAL) will mark its 30th anniversary with an event on Friday 7 September 2012 featuring Dr Roly Sussex, Emeritus Professor of Applied Language Studies at the University of Queensland. As well as being a highly acclaimed academic, Professor Sussex hosts a talkback radio program on the ABC radio and writes a weekly column about language for the Courier Mail newspaper.
QCAL is also committed to serving its non-metropolitan members, adult literacy practitioners and students more directly this year. We are currently examining way in which this can be done effectively.
13.5 Western Australia
Monthly newsletter blog for Western Australia
The Adult Literacy and Numeracy Network in WA is now publishing a monthly newsletter using blogging software Edublog Pro. The February newsletter is available at The ALaN WA Edublog follows in the footsteps of a number of publications that have provided a source of news to adult literacy and numeracy practitioners in the west, with the support of the WA Department of Training and Workforce Development. If you have something you want to let Western Australian adult literacy practitioners know about, send your article to
News is welcome about innovations, policy changes, availability of learning and teaching resources, funding and vacancies related to adult education.
Or you can share a story about something that worked. And of course, as an online journal, you are welcome to comment on any of the posts.
13.6 South Australia
Live streaming of SACAL’s Literacy Dialogues
SACAL organises four Literacy “Dialogues” per year. (1.5 hours) They focus on a current topic or issue, have 2-3 guest speakers and provide information and discussion time for all in attendance.
We have had requests from people in Regional South Australia and others who are unable to attend to provide some online access to these Dialogues. SACAL’s online streaming began, thanks to the efforts of Executive Committee member Stuart Jones, with Dialogue 3, Beyond Qualifications: What does the Adult Literacy field need?
Dialogue 4 focused on the History of LLNP in S.A. and we were able to stream live. It’s all very new for us, however being able to offer more than 20 - 30 people access to these sessions’ means we are truly advocating and promoting Adult Literacy and Numeracy across the state.
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15. Contact ACAL
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