** Venue Change : Mal Nairn Auditorium (Red Precinct) **
Pre-Conference Symposium Subject to change without notice
Action for Change: Indigenous Adult English Language, Literacy and Numeracy
Tuesday 12 September 2017
Charles Darwin University Casuarina Campus Location map

The lives and livelihoods of all Australians are increasingly impacted by the knowledge economy, with its underpinning requirement for high levels of English language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) skills. For Indigenous Australians, low levels of English LLN continues to seriously limit participation in society, education and the economy. The consequences flow through generations and across all areas of life.
This symposium explores some national, community, and organisational models aimed at sustainable, Indigenous and community informed improvement in adult English language, literacy and numeracy. These innovative models, and discussion around their development and evaluation, are drawn from New Zealand and Australian experiences. They show how gains in Indigenous adult LLN can affect family, community and society and demonstrate the need for increased, coordinated and focused action for change that is guided by evidence and a range of models and methods.
Essential Pre-reading for the Pre- Conference Symposium
1. The Action Statement on Aboriginal Adult LLN in the NT
- The Action Statement on Indigenous adult LLN in the NT (March 2017) was developed at the pre-conference workshop at the Indigenous Leaders Conference.
- The draft Action Statement on Aboriginal adult English LLN in the NT – for consultation at the Symposium (12September 2017)
Note: Please bring any ideas for changes to this draft to the afternoon session of the Symposium – and/ or send your comments to Allison.Stewart@cdu.edu.au .
2. Report on the November 2016 workshop on Indigenous adult English LLN
The Report of the proceedings of the pre-conference workshop at the November 2016 Indigenous Leaders conference is a compilation of presentations and is therefore an accurate record of state/territory, regional and local models which can contribute to consultation and action on this issue in the NT.
The design of this Symposium directly builds onto, or extends, the program of the November 2016 workshop.
8.30 – 9.00 |
Registration, tea and coffee |
9:00 – 9:05 | Welcome to country | Larrakia Elder, Dr Curtis Roman |
9:05 – 9:15 | Welcome | NT CAL Representative CDU PVC Indigenous Leadership |
9:15 –9.30 | Overview of day Who is in the room? NT Strategic Priority Project on Indigenous LLN |
Allison Stewart, Whole of Community Engagement Initiative, Charles Darwin University |
The Adult Indigenous Language, Literacy and Numeracy Landscape |
9.30 – 10.15 | Keynote Address: Building a Foundation for Change |
Jack Beetson, Literacy for Life Foundation |
10:15-10.45 | Indigenous LLN: Statistics and the state of play Abstract |
Fiona Shalley, Charles Darwin University Fellow, Allison Stewart, Whole of Community Engagement Initiative, Charles Darwin University |
10:45- 11.00 | Morning Tea | |
Language, Literacy and Numeracy Service Design and Delivery Models |
11:00-11:30 | New Zealand’s ‘whole-of-country’ approach to improving adult literacy and numeracy skills Abstract | David Do, Tertiary Education Commission, New Zealand |
11.30 -12:00 | Remote Adult Community Education Centre Model: Walpiri Education and Training Trust Abstract | Barbara Napanangka Martin & Ros Bauer, Walpiri Education and Training Trust with co-authors Professor Michael Christie & Dr Michaela Spencer, Charles Darwin University |
12.00 – 1.00 | Lunch | |
1.00 –1.30 | Correctional Centre Model: Using technology for learning, empowerment and opportunity Abstract |
Chris Lee and Associate Professor Helen Farley, University of Southern Queensland |
1.30 –2:00 | Organisational workforce development model: Defence Indigenous Development Program Abstract | Deidre Knapp & Bruce Garnett, Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education |
2:00 – 2:15 | Coffee and Tea break | |
The Impact of Adult Language, Literacy and Numeracy |
2:15 -3:45 | Panel: Collective Impact models for positive change in Indigenous adult English language, literacy and numeracy Abstract | Sue Howard, 26TEN, plus round-table facilitators |
3:45 -4.00 | Summary and close | |
Post Symposium FunctionVENUE: Charles Darwin University Casuarina Campus, Mal Nairn Foyer & Auditorium |
4:00 – 5.00 | Refreshments and Networking | Hosted by CDU PVC VET Ms Christine Robertson |
5:00 – 6.30 | ‘In My Own Words’ film screening hosted by the Northern Institute | Introduction by Jack Beetson |