ACAL is managed by a volunteer committee and the position profiles are provided to assist members understand and undertake roles on ACAL committee. The four executive positions (President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer) become vacant at each AGM and nominations are called to fill these positions by election at the AGM.
State/Territory representatives are nominated to the ACAL committee by the local state or territory organisation.
ACAL meetings are usually held by teleconference on a Wednesday 3:30pm – 5pm AEST approximately every six weeks. The ACAL Committee will review the time of meetings. Travel expenses will be met for specifically designated face to face meetings and for other meetings when representing ACAL on delegations.
Tenure: Annual
Elected by: ACAL membership
Accountable to: ACAL Executive Committee and ACAL members
Overview of role: The ACAL President provides leadership and takes responsibility along with the other office bearers members, for the organisation and the Committee and acts as a representative of the Australian Council for Adult Literacy
Essential Requirements:
knowledge of current issues and state of adult literacy and numeracy in Australia, and
extensive experience as an adult literacy/ numeracy practitioner, teacher educator, researcher, program manager and/or policy analyst
Desirable Attributes:
have a good working knowledge of the ACAL Constitution, rules and duties of office bearers
be well informed of all organisation activities and committed to meeting the overall goals of the Council
be a person who can develop good relationships both internally and externally
be forward thinking and able to take a leadership role in developing ACAL
be a good listener and attuned to the interests of members and other interest groups
be a good role model, able to present a positive image when representing the Council in other forums
be a competent public speaker and confident in dealing with a range of media forms
Specific duties include but are not limited to:
meeting with Executive Committee to draft annual and meeting agendas
chairing meetings
ensuring Executive Committee and State Representatives are aware of and fulfil their governance responsibilities
compliance with applicable laws
acting as a signatory for the Council in all legal and financial purposes
conducting Council business effectively and efficiently
proposing policies and activities and oversees the implementation of those ratified by the Executive Committee
submitting regular reports to the Executive Committee
proposing committees and appoints members
working with the Committee to ensure the necessary skills are represented on the committee and that a succession plan is in place
Developing relevant strategic and business plans in order to achieve the goals of the Council.
Tenure: Annual
Elected by: ACAL membership (must come from different state to President)
Accountable to: ACAL President, Executive Committee and ACAL members
Overview of role: The role of the Vice President is to shadow the President in providing leadership and taking responsibility for the organisation and the Committee and to step into the President's role where needed.
Essential Requirements:
knowledge of current issues and state of adult literacy and numeracy in Australia, and
extensive experience as an adult literacy/ numeracy practitioner, teacher educator, researcher, program manager and/or policy analyst
Desirable Attributes:
be well informed of all ACAL activities and able to provide oversight
be a person who can develop good relationships, both internally and externally
be willing to step in for the President where needed, including chairing meetings
be forward thinking and committed to meeting the overall goals of the Council
have a good working knowledge of the ACAL Constitution, rules and duties of office bearers
be able to work collaboratively with other Committee Members
be a good listener and attuned to the interests of members and other interest groups
be a good role model and to present a positive image when representing the Council in other forums
be a competent public speaker
be able to raise concerns with the President where they arise
Act as a signatory for the Council finances
able to maintain confidentiality
Specific duties include but are not limited to:
In the event of the President being unable to fulfil their duties, to step into that role
In the absence of the President, chair Committee meetings, ensuring that they are run efficiently and effectively
be an alternate signatory for legal purposes and financial purposes
Assist the President in deciding which matters are dealt with by the Executive, the full Committee and delegated to Committees
Coordinate planning to ensure appropriate plans are developed, presented to and reviewed by the Committee, and enacted as required
Represent the Council at meetings and forums as agreed with the President
Other duties as nominated by the President and/or Committee
Tenure: Annual
Elected by: ACAL membership
Accountable to: ACAL President, Executive, Committee and ACAL embers
Overview of role: The role of the Secretary is to manage the approved communication tasks of the ACAL organisation in an efficient and effective manner
Desirable Attributes:
be organised
possess computer skills
be a good communicator
able to maintain confidentiality
Specific duties include but are not limited to:
maintenance of records of the Committee and ensure effective records management
record accurate minutes of all meetings
holding an up-to-date copy of the ACAL Constitution and bylaws that is available for all meetings
calling meetings of the Executive Committee and of the Council when directed so to do by the President in accordance with the constitution
assuming responsibility for the custody of the files, books, journals and all documents belonging to the Council
making available all files and books of the Council for inspection by any member of the Committee and auditors
preparing correspondence and performing such other duties as the Committee may from time to time direct
act as a signatory for the Council finances if required
Tenure: Annual
Elected by: ACAL membership
Accountable to: ACAL President, Executive Committee and ACAL embers
Overview of role: The role of the Treasurer is to be responsible for the financial supervision of the Council to allow the Committee to provide good governance. The Treasurer is responsible to manage the Council's finances and regularly report on its financial status to both the ACAL Executive, Committee and the Council members.
Desirable Attributes:
good organisational skills
some financial expertise
ability to maintain accurate records
be honest/trustworthy
have the necessary level of computer skills
have good communication skills
able to maintain confidentiality
Specific duties include but are not limited to:
competently managing ACAL's finances
presenting financial reports to meetings
acting as a signatory for the Council finances
provision of advice to the Committee in their management of the finances
supporting any required auditing processes to be submitted to the Annual General Meeting.
leading the annual budget process and ensuring an appropriate annual budget is provided to the Committee for approval
ensuring development and Committee review of financial policies and procedures
ensuring that all receipts and payments concur with bank deposits and withdrawals
Tenure: Annual
Elected/selected by: State Councils; or ACAL where there is no state body
Accountable to: ACAL President, ACAL Committee, own State/Territory body (if represented) and members
Overview of role: The role of the representative of each of the States and Territories is to be a voice to represent and gather local viewpoints and to disseminate national ACAL views, ideas or papers.
Desirable Attributes:
well informed of adult literacy and numeracy activities and policies in their constituent's area and able to provide an oversight of these
a person who can develop good relationships internally and externally
forward thinking and committed to meeting the overall goals of ACAL
able to work collaboratively with other ACAL Committee Members
a good listener and attuned to the interests of members and other interest groups
a good role model and able to present a positive image in representing both their own constituents and ACAL in other forums
able to maintain confidentiality
Specific duties include but are not limited to:
attending their constituent's and ACAL meetings
representing the views of, and escalating, matters of concern to their constituents
informing their constituents of ACAL views and gathering information or feedback for ACAL
complete projects as designated
Tenure: As agreed
Selected by: ACAL
Accountable to: ACAL President and Committee
Overview of role: Co-opted Sub-Committee member for specific purposes as requested by the ACAL Executive Committee
Desirable Attributes:
be well informed of adult literacy and numeracy activities and policies in their constituent's area and able to provide an oversight of these
be a person who can develop good relationships internally and externally
be forward thinking and committed to meeting the overall goals of ACAL
be able to work collaboratively with other ACAL Committee Members
able to maintain confidentiality
Specific duties include but are not limited to:
completing projects as designated
Tenure: As employed
Employed by: ACAL Executive Committee
Accountable to: ACAL President and Committee
Overview of role: Executive support to the ACAL Executive and Committee
Desirable Attributes:
be well organised and efficient
possess excellent computer skills, including website management
be able to work collaboratively with the ACAL Executive and Committee Members
be a good communicator and attuned to the interests of the organisation and its members
able to maintain confidentiality
Specific duties include but are not limited to:
conference organisation as required
distribution of e-news and other ACAL communications
membership management – including distribution and collection of membership communication and fees
performing operational and financial duties to support the ACAL Executive and Committee Members
2014 ACAL Conference 'Literacy: a learning spiral for life'
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This is a one-stop shop for information and advice on developing core language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) skills in the service industries.